Good morning frienz, Tis hot ootside already not a soul about either nice n quiet apart from
a wood pigeon in the tree.
Not sure how long we will be able to work today im not getting fried.

Be safe & have a good day peeps. :)

(will catch up with what I missed last last night)
Just achieved about 1 3/4 hrs punching my weedwhacker/ mulcher around.
Under the trees where it is hilly, tight, low branches catch me head and it's humid, due to being mostly in the shade.
So nice when I finally ran out of petrol!
so inside where Wifey is up and back to her normal self, complaining I put a pair of gloves "on the wood" as they were "damp".
Hmm, dint even know they were damp.:(
so she hid them, in the airing cupboard.:rolleyes: Yessdi. And didn't say anything.:rolleyes:
Despite wearing gloves, (I had to hunt around for another pair,) my palms are starting to form blisters so I think I'll find a different thing to do.
Choice between strimming or getting under the Disco.
We'll see!
Might see the sun at some point, but who knows when

Foolishly I accepted a 4 year contract where I have to work about 130 days a year at my choice, so semi retired if you will. In hindsight I could’ve just called it a day but folk in my position have just keeled without a purpose.
Yes indeed, but the "purpose" could be to live & long & happy "rest of life" doing things that you really enjoy instead of working for the man.
My Brother-in-Law (Martin) refuses to retire for the same reasons as you, but like you he has cut his hours to 3 days a week.
He will be 75 this year and he shows no signs of keeling over. :)

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