It has been raining on and off most of today. Didn't bother me as I was happily messing about in the workshop! I am very close to getting my clock finished. I could have bought one for £50 but that is not the point, I have over 20 hours invested in it and it will last me the rest of my life :) Once it is complete, I will post a picture ;)
I finished the casing around the timber pillar and put some scotia at the junction of the window-sills and the window frames.
Filled all the nail/brad holes and it has had a coat of primer/undercoat.
It has been raining on and off most of today. Didn't bother me as I was happily messing about in the workshop! I am very close to getting my clock finished. I could have bought one for £50 but that is not the point, I have over 20 hours invested in it and it will last me the rest of my life :) Once it is complete, I will post a picture ;)
Wot do you need a clock for? You is re-tyred. You don't even need to know what saturday it is. Knowing what month it is is adequate information :p
A reasonable day on sis in laws plumbering job. Drained the loft tank down, replaced the knackered shut off valve on the hot tank feed pipe, finished fitting the bathroom sink taps. No leaks observed :). Ordered one of those little pipe cutters from scroo fix to cut the impossible to get at 22mm hot pipe to the bath tap, 24-48 hour klick n kerleckt so might have the day off tomorrow with any luck. And a couple more jobs identified which need doing, not biggies so onwards and upwards (with the odd sideways or two).

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