I want eBay item 303958914654. Can any of you nice peeps give me a sub until my next pension day? :)

I was going to put an offer in but its fixed price :(
She's got back and altho cut by her usual burd, looks very butch, short on the sides,ish and waved back from the forehead.
All she'd need would be a "handful of grease in her hair".
Just seen a bit of telly with a burd on there with exact same cut only WITH the grease in it. Dunno how Wifey let her do it!
Funnily she is very equanimous about it and didn't dissolve into tears when I said this (Phew, other wimmins i have known would had cried a river then taken a hatchet to me!:eek::eek:) she just simply said, "It'll grow out, and it might look different once I wash it!"
We'll see.

Think I've dodged a bullet here!

(I am usually very complimentary about her appearance !););):):):)

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