Morning all!
Weather fine,
Shopping delivered bang on 10 a.m. nothing changed or missing!
Wifey had telephone consultation with her doc, didn't tell her that the headache may be due to muscle issues in her neck as "She doesn't want to go to the chiropractor" who is the person who sorted this out last time.

So the doc thinks it "might be a virus" (She never goes out) and not to worry unless she still has it in a fortnight's time. (She's already had it for a fortnight, or longer.

We WILL be going out this affo, to look around an auction for tat and jewellery, Wifey's hobby, well one of them. Looking at some really exciting stuff.
An umbrella stand or two and a low table for the Teasmade.
"Stay my beating heart."

Spent yesterday "sculpting", literally, a piece of plasterboard, to go into the hole made when doing the plumbering. One bit cut out to go around where the pipe comes through, two bits hollowed off the back to accommodate other bits of pipe "stuff" protruding beyond the , whatever you call it. Stabilised and glued down bits of plaster and paper wiv a mix of water and PVA.
When i get a mo I'll file down the edges of both the hole, (which also was not quite regular, hence all the "sculpting"!) and the piece to go in it!
Then I'll find a bit of wood to support the bit that is a long way away from the stud.
(If I was
@DanClarke I'd have done this in the time I took to write this out!)
Then I'll drill, screw, plaster over, sand back, paint....................and celebrate! Kitchen done!
Wifey won't celebrate, much she'll just say "Starting on the utility tomorrow then?"