Mornin' all. Today is, I 'ope, a big day in the process of getting my tin tent out of the garden and on its travels - the gate installer is coming. :D
I have no idea when to expect them but I woke the wee one up an hour earlier than 'is usual waking time but 'e didn't seem to mind and has gone out to continue 'is slumbers. It was pointless trying to get the big un up as he has another couple of hours of sleep left and nothing will stop 'im having them, at least he won't get in their way if they come early!
The day has dawned dry but cloudy - same as the last few days, the good thing is that the sun has usually come out later in the day.
I 'ope you all have a good start to the week and are able to get on with whatever you have planned. :)
Ahhhh happy Saturday peeps :D:D

Had a long lie, fire is blazing only been out to get timber for the fire. Looks as if
we had a light shower, tis overcast atm. I need to go to the chemist for my tabs
at some point today.

I might wash the fleet today, got a logging job on tus/wed saw has been stripped
cleaned n sharpened. :)

Have a nice day ya'll ;)

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