I had the choice between Boy Scout, or Air Cadet, chose the latter, never regretted it. Got to do all sorts of stuff, with the Army as well. Love flying, wish I had the money to do it all again and get my PPL. Gavean me an unhealthy interest in automatic weapons and military vehicles!

We didnt have Air Cadets near us so it was the Scouts or the Girl Guides but they wouldnt let me in so
it was the scouts lol
We didnt have Air Cadets near us so it was the Scouts or the Girl Guides but they wouldnt let me in so
it was the scouts lol

Dint do well in the scouts.
No campin, no shootin, no fire settin, no nuffink. Dull, dull, dull. Quit after 12 weeks. :D
Thretnin me sixer dint elp :p

Edit. Course we was stuck inside as twas winter. Prolly don't think that through...
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If you din do any of that wot the feck DID you do?
Fiddle with your woggles?
Did you threaten your sixer with a bunch of fives?:D:D:D

Sat around reciting the boy scout oaf an other bollix. Dull.
Had more fun with air rifles, knives, catapults an fireworks in me own time.
Dint need no sixer to give me permission neither.

An yes.. I did.
Turned out to be a good friend later on. :rolleyes:
Sat around reciting the boy scout oaf an other bollix. Dull.
Had more fun with air rifles, knives, catapults an fireworks in me own time.
Dint need no sixer to give me permission neither.

An yes.. I did.
Turned out to be a good friend later on. :rolleyes:
Shame you couldn't find a CCF or Air Cadets to join, similar stuff to what you did only with bigger guns and thunderflashes. nitexes etc with the local TA, attacking Brize Norton in November, woz our fun.
We didn't get too afflicted with drill, it was a school squadron so the instructors were the teachers and had all been in the war or at least done National Service. If they gave us a tough time they knew they would have to look us in the eye the following day.
But as drill wasn't made too much of, we did it proper when we had to. I even was part of the continuity drill squad which was brill. Showing off to the parents on open days.
Even did the reverse arms funeral drill for one of our teachers who died and had his funeral in the school chapel. He'd been quite senior in the RAF.

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