Well,........ up.
Been and got the bigger of the two rear seats out of the Disco, god tis a heavy fecker! So glad I have now got a good technique. And a good sack truck. So that is now reposing in the trailer.
Got under the driver's seat and took the SRS yellow plug apart-together-apart-together a few times. The light now stays off on the dash.
Next job, get the handbrake drum off and clean up the ATF that has prolly got in it from the leak. Doubtless the shoes will be fecked too. Could prolly sort them out enuff to pass the MOT, but not a long term solution. But pointless changing them just to get them ATFed up again until after I have got the leak fixed.
Then "do something" about the leak.
Then look at the front swivels, swear a lot and see if I can change them, and if not at least replace the boots.
Do not enjoy this sh!t at all. Wish it was warmer and drier.
All seems a bit pointless seeing as how we ain't going anyway soon, but MOT waits for no one.
Have a good time folks!:):):):)
Handbrake drum removal fell at first fence.
Nuts ain't 14mm reely, nor 15mm.
So inside trying to see if there is an imperial equivalent to14.5mm, and or ordering the special tool to gerrit off.
HATE having to get special tools. You're supposed to be able to repair this stuff in a jungle or a desert, NOT down the High Street outside an LR stealer!
Anyay sprayed it with some release agent to all is not lost.
But Madame is not happy to see me indoors, even though it is raining.
AND I'm too fat to get easily under the flipping vehicle, without jacking it up etc.
I have had better days.:(
Morning All :D
Paper's got, and my coffee's hot! :)
I complained to my county councillor that the street light had been out for 4 years.
This, despite contacting the county council highways dept (many times) only to be told "We know".
Today I find a contractors truck outside REMOVING the street lamp and relocating it back across the street where it was 4 years ago.
That's twice we have paid for that job. Someone is on "a nice little earner 'arry".
Have a nice day everyone :D
Did they disconnect it from the mains 4 years ago and plant it on your side of the road where there be no power?
Handbrake drum removal fell at first fence.
Nuts ain't 14mm reely, nor 15mm.
So inside trying to see if there is an imperial equivalent to14.5mm, and or ordering the special tool to gerrit off.
HATE having to get special tools. You're supposed to be able to repair this stuff in a jungle or a desert, NOT down the High Street outside an LR stealer!
Anyay sprayed it with some release agent to all is not lost.
But Madame is not happy to see me indoors, even though it is raining.
AND I'm too fat to get easily under the flipping vehicle, without jacking it up etc.
I have had better days.:(
Get yerself some HippoRamps (tm)



Get yerself some HippoRamps (tm)
Big lick on that. Not unlike the pair I made for getting an extra 4 inches of squeeze room under modern cars at oil change time. The steel proper ones I gotted in 1976 foul on the front valance of modern cars. But (unlike Stanley) I can still get under me fender and do all the service jobs without problem, my corpulence has not got that far yet and I don't get stuck :D:D:D
They are coming to value the house on Monday :eek: where did those three weeks go!
Ooohhh exciting!
Bear in mind that Estate Agents are in a "Turnover & Commission" business. The price they will suggest is one that they know they can shift the property in the quickest time with the least effort on their behalf for their extortionate fee.
My late BIL always told them to add another 20 grand to their suggested price and then go earn the commission by actively selling it, or they were off the gig and he would engage a different agent. Worked every time.
Foolishly, I always accepted the agents suggested price and my houses (all 7 of them) always sold to the very first "Viewer"....I wonder why?
AND I'm too fat to get easily under the flipping vehicle, without jacking it up etc.
I have had better days.:(

Big lick on that. Not unlike the pair I made for getting an extra 4 inches of squeeze room under modern cars at oil change time. The steel proper ones I gotted in 1976 foul on the front valance of modern cars. But (unlike Stanley) I can still get under me fender and do all the service jobs without problem, my corpulence has not got that far yet and I don't get stuck :D:D:D

I can stand under my cars;) not because iam short:) But I just got this handy deep hole in the garage floor knew it would come in handy:D:D.

Oh and a fire so its warm in there:D

Good luck with your maintenance Stan.


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