What makes you think this? Because it refuses to update?
After this, what with eating my dinner and everything, I am just totally fed up that it doesn't appear to have found anything.
And as I am not an IT bod I have no idea what this means.
I have to admit I have not since tried to update.
I will eventually switch it off, switch it back on again and then see if it will update.
If it does, all well and good, it is fixed, i hope. but if it doesn't and if it still tries to say that I have no internet connection, when i obviously have, then i will have to think about where to take it from there.
To the uninitiated all this is Greek, or double-dutch!
Have you made contact with norton chat support?
Not as such, i just went along with clicking on one of the things they suggested I try that seemed to fit in with my problem.
But if after a reboot the previous problem is still there, I will give it one last chance via an online chat.
Ta for sticking with me on this. Bit of a busman's holiday for you, so i sympathise and am very grateful.:):):)
Go back to them and tell them the problem is still there. Most likely they will help in stages. Like getting you to run certain additional programs to check/fix common typical issues. Nowt wrong with that. Keep trying.
Cheers, i'll do all that tomoz, after Wifey has had her jab and i may ave to go to orspicle too, on yet another matter.
Feel I ought to get a season ticket.:rolleyes::(
Just format the hard disk and reinstall everything. ;)



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