My Witch Hazel is flowering beautifully in spite of all the rain and snow! Wind is the problem at the moment so the piccy has suffered. :rolleyes::)
Morning all, had a lay in. Bit early for the workshop. Hope everyone is doing well.
@Stanleysteamer hope you can stay away from the hospital today!
Nope, (Friday) had to take my foot to the practice nurse, the ex-tankist.
Had a great chat about Bren vs, GPMG, vs .303, vs SMG. He's a left-handist, so prefers SLR. He was a tank commander in Afghan so actoooly has more than once "shot in anger" as it were. Lovely bloke.
Anyway he reckons my foot is healed but we both think i need regular podiatry, which is a pain. And insoles.:(:(:(
Nope, (Friday) had to take my foot to the practice nurse, the ex-tankist.
Had a great chat about Bren vs, GPMG, vs .303, vs SMG. He's a left-handist, so prefers SLR. He was a tank commander in Afghan so actoooly has more than once "shot in anger" as it were. Lovely bloke.
Anyway he reckons my foot is healed but we both think i need regular podiatry, which is a pain. And insoles.:(:(:(
Did you ever find out what the cause of the trouble was?

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