Is this not a good thing? :D

just popped out to check again:), :eek::eek:


Poor quad:( used to bring the wood trailer for the next few days supply, lazy me didn’t put it away to a cozy bed. It will be fine :) it likes the snow:D.

Snow shovel has been safely stashed indoors, in case we need the snow blower:D.

Gonna fill the fire and go to bed now, Goodnight:).

This is issue is a nause because to finish the job I need 4 packs of cladding. Now instead of travelling 4 miles I have to bootleg 21. To think these companies don’t/won’t transfer stock. You can see why Amazon are sweeping up.
It will cost em money to move it. If they leave it where it is it will sell to someone else. Your store will be topped up as normal at some point. Margins are tight in diy chops these days.

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