Well today has been:
get up (feckin late)
Eat, (Brkfus? Lunch? Feck nose!)
Watch bull**** TV.
Read news on tinternet. borin!
Have drinks. (Yep Dryjanuary only counts Monday to Friday, acksherly not Friday either)
Prepare roast dins (Feck off huge three dinner chicken as when you order it off Waitrose they think your bubble is the size of the O2.)
The roasties have gone on, peas on in 5 minutes.
I'll stop now as I am sure with all this excitement you'll need to catch your breath!
I'd send you one but it might be cold when it gets there.:)

Sadly he's been 'transferred' to Basildon, Essex ....

Apparently they don't see many tweeters, so few that the nearest 'exotic' vet is in Essex ...

He's worth a vast amount of money this budgie ... I drove him all the way there to be told that he needs an 'overnight and some tests' ...

£300 for the consult, £75 for B&B, and meds on top ...

They'll phone me in the morning if he's not dead ...

Poor Dad is in bits ...
Sadly he's been 'transferred' to Basildon, Essex ....

Apparently they don't see many tweeters, so few that the nearest 'exotic' vet is in Essex ...

He's worth a vast amount of money this budgie ... I drove him all the way there to be told that he needs an 'overnight and some tests' ...

£300 for the consult, £75 for B&B, and meds on top ...

They'll phone me in the morning if he's not dead ...

Poor Dad is in bits ...

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