Latest in an occasional series. An one fur the ladies.

Who wouldn't want a king size firklover wif nuts?
A very quick canter though the news, Twitter etc reveals more tales of misery. Examples of fly tipping, littering beauty spots and poor Filbert beaten to death :(

Wtf fkn cowardly bastids id take great pleasure in returning the same treatment to these low life scum
bags poor animal, makes me so angry. I once took a collie dog off a lad who was dragging it with its
lead,the dog wanted a poo so was stopping to try & do its business & he kicked it as I was driving passed I slammed the anchors on jumped out an he tried to square up to me so I just booted him across his knee boom down like a sack of spuds grabbed him by his hair & dragged him a few feet an said so how does it feel ya &^&$%%$££%^&**()_ told him if he reported me id come back to finish him off lol
Took the dog off him & my mate gave him a better life. :):)
Wtf fkn cowardly bastids id take great pleasure in returning the same treatment to these low life scum
bags poor animal, makes me so angry. I once took a collie dog off a lad who was dragging it with its
lead,the dog wanted a poo so was stopping to try & do its business & he kicked it as I was driving passed I slammed the anchors on jumped out an he tried to square up to me so I just booted him across his knee boom down like a sack of spuds grabbed him by his hair & dragged him a few feet an said so how does it feel ya &^&$%%$££%^&**()_ told him if he reported me id come back to finish him off lol
Took the dog off him & my mate gave him a better life. :):)
...and now we know where Clint learned all his stuff!:rolleyes:

good on yer mate!:):):)
Key @kevstar want another good laugh?
We've had the biz with the circoooler saw, now for the Trestles!;):):D:D:D
With all the messing about, putting them together and making them sit straight etc.
I started on the saw. I wanted to find the box it came in.
Looked all over, house, garage and then the trailer.
Didn't find it but guess what I DID find? in the feckin trailer?

The fecking trestles I thort I had left in France.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Grrrrrrr! Doesn't cover it!

And what is worse is that I'll now have to take them back with me next time we get the chance to go over there!

Can't feckin believe it.:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

At least my weight has now dropped below 90 kgs, just!

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