Cos it has a three legged funny looking fella on the plate, then MMM - - - Y
MMM isn't an IoM plate. I've seen UK registered vehicles over here that have had new plates made that include the three legs on it.
I've always assumed that they are either from the IoM originally or just love the place so much that they want to show their appreciation of me Island. :D

IoM registered cars have either MN or MAN in the reg, although if you've got too much money you can now have the entire MANX word on it but that ain't cheap.
MMM isn't an IoM plate. I've seen UK registered vehicles over here that have had new plates made that include the three legs on it.
I've always assumed that they are either from the IoM originally or just love the place so much that they want to show their appreciation of me Island. :D

IoM registered cars have either MN or MAN in the reg, although if you've got too much money you can now have the entire MANX word on it but that ain't cheap.

A three legged wannabe then :oops:
Just an eggsample, the reg numbers on me cars and bike begin with either


We don't even use the UK method of years in our reg numbers as me Disco (2004) has an LMN reg number, me & me skooter

Gude mornin frens. Be wet an breezy agen zo woshin won't ged drai. Us boys avvin go lawndret if this carryin on. Us be pleased to av trusty Hippo (bestest 4x4 in hole whirl evva)tu get us aboat in orl wevvers an kip uz warm an drai. Us boys ev plenty jobs indors (apparently) zo will be geddin on dreckly.
Ah feel mowteyvaytid this mornin. Ah dunt no why. Eye fink the fort ov snow fallin int me cassul grownds un maykid snow persons as eggsistid me. Eye dunt fink eye as seen snow fallin ont cassul ippo
Us Deb'n boys be preparin fur winter, us be tyin ole zacks turgevver an maykin curtains fur to cover the sun holes an door holes in us hovels. Us be zawin up fences an trees fur tu mayk meeger vire tu zustayn us through chilly zeason an invytin livestocks in tur zhare what warmth us ev.
Northern poofs will av tu go zoopermeerkats fur veggie burgers an Not Poodles tu top up larders an tu Jaeger an Pringle zhops fur lots uv nu jumpers. Us veel zorry fur em a bit.

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