Morning All :D
Cool and dry here. :)
Got her paper, fed the cat.
Coffee being slurped.
Not sure I can do Gym today, I seem to have damaged my left shoulder in the tail-end of last week.
Cannot do a lateral raise of that arm without a lot of discomfort. I tried "working" it out, but it only got worse. :(
Have a great day everyone. :D
Which is ezzackly why we may end up getting his'n'hers!!!
Neighbours, the sh!tty one, will love us!
Go on.... ;)

Happy monday folks:)

Another warm 1 here:D so not done too much, well we do have a guest so it would be rude to start hammering nails and getting the grinder out, Wouldn't it;) thats my excuse anyway:D

Beginning to wonder if we have already had the last swim, pool won't get above 21 at the mo.

We are still holding 28 here, Lovely:D.
Which is good as we have water every other day at the moment:eek:.

Looks like Ms friend wants to buy a small place out here,they have been looking at a couple in the village. I have to check if sound, looked at 1 this morning for her it has got good bones but still needs work to bring up too western standards;). will see how things progress, she has loved it here from her very first visit and always said she would move out when here work pension kicked in.(4 years to wait)

Wifey is the gardener, I am just the help, but even the natives from round here cannot believe how fast stuff grows on our land.
We have had some failures but very few indeed. Planting stuff here is like Narnia, throw it on the ground and next thing you know it's up just so high you think "God we need a tree surgeon!"
Remember I said this? Well here is a pick of a cherry tomato plant that planted itself in our absence.
And this is in gravel over weed barrier, and good quality stuff too.


Taken after we'd picked all the ripe red ones!

And to give it context, this is where it decided to plant itself.

And yes the flower/bushy thing s have rather outgrown the square walled off bed a bit!!!


Tomato plant in the foreground, or foregravel, take your pick.
This flower bed is what happens when you have a underground spring right in the middle!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Happy monday folks:)

Another warm 1 here:D so not done too much, well we do have a guest so it would be rude to start hammering nails and getting the grinder out, Wouldn't it;) thats my excuse anyway:D

We are still holding 28 here, Lovely:D.
Which is good as we have water every other day at the moment:eek:.

Looks like Ms friend wants to buy a small place out here,they have been looking at a couple in the village. I have to check if sound, looked at 1 this morning for her it has got good bones but still needs work to bring up too western standards;). will see how things progress, she has loved it here from her very first visit and always said she would move out when here work pension kicked in.(4 years to wait)

Our guests tend to get up before us and help themselves to British tea and so forth. Some of them have even been known to get tools out and get on with helpin! Not many though! Although most do offer!
My OAP pension kicks in next Feb just in time to help us pay for all the cr@p that will descend on us as we fight to still do our 180 days in Frogland! Lucky Me!
Keep looking at our walnuts too:eek: there will be far more than we need but as the front garden is open the local old ladies always walk past and fill their pinnies.

We have just decanted of a little of the 2yr old cherry brandy to test;):D I have to say that its not fit for guest and will have to be kept away, We will struggle through it on our own:D:D:D:p.

We sat outside tonight and there was a distinct lack of birds and the normal evening chirping, a few stragglers but nothing like normal, guess they have headed for warmer places. Warning sign to consider the hatches battoning:D and all the supplies needing to be gathered.


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