Cheers Hippo, are you going up the ladder or am I?
Not surprised at the fairy arguments - its standard tratter behaviour.

We will also need some bacon to stick round the turkey, some gammon and also to make pigs in blankets. I was wondering if any one was volunteering their pig for the greater good?
If we tilt the tree a bit we won't need to use a ladder. Elf and safety...

They treat their pigs as family pets in ere so I don't think there will be any volunteers.

Not many tratterers about in ere these days. Some would say it's a good thing. I think they may not like us.
Don't flatter yourselves!

We put up with you coz we still have some gaylanderer doors that we collected last time it rained!

Once we tratterers have sold them back to you you can piddle orft back from whence you came!

In the meantime, good night!
Not many tratterers about in ere these days. Some would say it's a good thing. I think they may not like us.

Its cos 90/110 and Defender are so reliable few need to post up about problems! ;):cool:

And we don't like you,cos you smell of hairspray an male grooming products :puke:
Its cos 90/110 and Defender are so reliable few need to post up about problems! ;):cool:

And we don't like you,cos you smell of hairspray an male grooming products :puke:
Int yer got problems with yer tratter wheels falling oft when wet? LR's recent recall. :eek: :pound:

The stench was in ere before we took over. The fragrance you can smell is potpourri. :p
Int yer got problems with yer tratter wheels falling oft when wet? LR's recent recall. :eek: :pound:

The stench was in ere before we took over. The fragrance you can smell is potpourri. :p

Bit late in the day for them to recall mine, it will be twenty five in a few weeks! :cool: And the wheels haven't ever fallen off, or the doors, although they have rusted out totally instead! :eek::D

I can mail you some cow**** if you like, apply it to yer freelander to give it that authentic rural landrover smell! :eek::D
Bit late in the day for them to recall mine, it will be twenty five in a few weeks! :cool: And the wheels haven't ever fallen off, or the doors, although they have rusted out totally instead! :eek::D

I can mail you some cow**** if you like, apply it to yer freelander to give it that authentic rural landrover smell! :eek::D
Ere, you got cows?

Thanks for the kind offer. I don't need any at the moment other than wanting to buy some for Gratch. Can he have it as an early Christmas present?

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