Morning all :D
I have done all my duties here at home and I am sitting with my first coffee.
My body is having a right moan at me after yesterday's exertions, but it can just shut-up and get on with it.
I will have my coffee's and then go join the boys on their plaster-boarding quest.
Still so much to do there by Thursday.
Have a great day everyone.:D
Went for an adventure yesterday with Mrs. Duke
Wot does yer fink to this bandsaw?

It has er leg stand that ah dun't need which puts the price up but it comes wivva 3 yeer garanty un they take fings bak if yer nor appi er bout qwolity. Thar beer risk when buyin cheep tools but me finks this shud be ok. Eye wos gonna mayk meself won oater wud but thas not gonner appen soon.
Wot does yer fink to this bandsaw?

It has er leg stand that ah dun't need which puts the price up but it comes wivva 3 yeer garanty un they take fings bak if yer nor appi er bout qwolity. Thar beer risk when buyin cheep tools but me finks this shud be ok. Eye wos gonna mayk meself won oater wud but thas not gonner appen soon.
It's a good size just check the usage on the warranty. The craft is hobby so light use only. Axminster is generally good stuff but you get what you pay for!
I got my Electra Bekum second hand and it is a good quality trade bandsaw. I wouldn't be without it :)
It's a good size just check the usage on the warranty. The craft is hobby so light use only. Axminster is generally good stuff but you get what you pay for!
I got my Electra Bekum second hand and it is a good quality trade bandsaw. I wouldn't be without it :)
Know wot yer mean. It's the middle one of the 3 craft bandsaws they do. The baby one is like the £80 cheap type in axminsta colours. The bigger one is about 80kg so moving it would be difficult. Hence looking at the middle one at 39kg. They all have upgrades others on the market don't. Or so they say. The trade versions are more eggspensive. Mine will only be used occasionally at home. I can afford the bigger one but don't really need it.
I've been there helping all day today, took them a Gregg's breakfast Sausage-roll on my way in.
Was there 09:30 .. 17:30.
All the open-plan area ceiling is now "up" bar 2 boards where we need access for core-drilling holes.
Am knackered, but pleased with progress. Fire-skinning the steel and doing a new doorway tomorrow.


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