This morning I have been mostly re-laying some 50 year old slabs to stabilise me patio before overlaying with some noo slabs. (An on-going job at Wimblowdriver Towers). Nearly finished now but I can't get the noo slabs until the importer has imported them and the distributers are distributing again. Seems they have to come from China, and we seem to be falling out with them just now :(.
It's dull but not raining so that's a positive.
Enjoy your Sunday, folks. :)
Typical! after slaving away this past week to get the land in France lookin decent for guests arriving tomoz, today it is cooler, and will be till after they leave!
One good thing though, at least the pool is at about 25 degs and swimmable. Just hope it holds for a coupla days!
Ours got up to 32° so we have left the cover off for a few days now and it’s down to 28° which is refreshing temp.

Too hot for me that! Our neighbour has a sliding perspex cover over his and has the same problem of it getting too hot, they put cold water in to bring the temp down which costs money of course! One of the problems with being 600 metres up is the water temp goes up and down, and down easier than up, (rain). But not complaining really, tis lovely to just dive in on a hot day!

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