It certainly looks a bit more settled out there but I am still holding my breath, nothing is certain with the present weather system.
It's Friday! I well remember the pleasure I used to get when this day came around but now, all has changed and all days are Fridays, or Mondays, Tuesdays, etc.:) Just smile and enjoy it anyway.
Was his wife keeping us updated?
Do miss the morning translations
She was replying to her intro fred where peeps were sending best wishes. If she has the box ticked on her account then she will get an emayul ter say there as now bin a reply. She won't get that for just being tagged. Tagging gives ter a red fing int top right but yer after sign in ter see it ter be notified by the red fing. She probably not logged in since her last replies.
Terday be me last sonday as eye be garn bak wuk next wik. Only park tyme. Av still gorra tend ter wuk frompt ome tuvva days. So me wud wuk will continyou.

Terdays fust job be ter reply ter sum stuff ont ear then eye wont ter swop me weeuls frunt ter bak un wosh int side em anorl. Then eye get rand rer startin me next dors. Int mayd garig big dors befor un angin em cud be fun burreye assa plan.
You just keep out of the way and let their mum look after them.:)
Well, she "thinks" that she can just foxtrot-oscar to her new house and do stuff and leave them with us. :eek:
I have said (loud & long) "all we are providing is a safe place for the kids to stay and sleep while the new house is a building site; we aint 24 x 7 babysitters, chef's or servants. Cook yr own meals here, do your own washing, and just use the 2 bedrooms and the main bathroom." I do hope the message has got through because I shall be cross if they try it on. :mad:
Today is moving day so I understand she has to be involved in that.
Well, she "thinks" that she can just foxtrot-oscar to her new house and do stuff and leave them with us. :eek:

Start as you mean to go on! As soon as she says she is going to the new house she must be aware that the children go with her. None of my business, I agree, but I have seen far too much of this kind of thing. I have a similar attitude to inheritances - parents have done their share bringing up and educating their own children and the 'later years' are for them to enjoy and spend, spend, spend on themselves - you earn it, you spend it! Fair enough for a small bit of a bonus being passed on, but I believe that kids should not expect or rely on the proceeds of the parents hard work coming to them.
I'm not a miserable old git, it's just that I have seen far too many examples of the damage done to the next generation who fail to understand their own responsibilities for their own lives and families. :(:(:(
Start as you mean to go on! As soon as she says she is going to the new house she must be aware that the children go with her. None of my business, I agree, but I have seen far too much of this kind of thing. I have a similar attitude to inheritances - parents have done their share bringing up and educating their own children and the 'later years' are for them to enjoy and spend, spend, spend on themselves - you earn it, you spend it! Fair enough for a small bit of a bonus being passed on, but I believe that kids should not expect or rely on the proceeds of the parents hard work coming to them.
I'm not a miserable old git, it's just that I have seen far too many examples of the damage done to the next generation who fail to understand their own responsibilities for their own lives and families. :(:(:(
I agree. Problem is my wife's a soft as butter and would give all I have earned and worked so hard for away to the kids right now "because THEY need it" LOL, well THEY can go and sodding earn it then.
They will all do quite nicely when we pop our clogs, so they can be patient.
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delivered the stinky compost. Onto a farm

Was hoping for rain to wash the mud off the motor.
See I got some off roading in again this week. No diff lock needed

No waiting in the sun for loading so I can head home.
Afternoon folks hope it’s all sunny and good:)

Took a trip to big boy town today.
M is now having the joys of running in her new varifocal glasses (her first set).
So we made use of the time and did some odd diy shopping for little bits, got all of them and I even managed to slip a DeWalt 125mm grinder in the trolley:) and stumbled upon a 90° pneumatic drill in the sale shelf, it was missing the chuck key and airline fitting but reduced 50%, I’ll have that :D (£25) I haven’t brought any tools for ages so made me feel good:D.

Had to put some fuel in car so put in a nice round number (100 local = £47.71) got back in the car and thought hummmm the fuel gauge seems to have gone further than normal. Next couple of garages checked the price 1.70-1.73 /L. Wow that works out at less than 80p/L. They do tend to have quick adjustment to the oil price here. Could have spent more had I known we would save so much on fuel :D:D

it’s the weekend tomorrow just thought I would say that as the workers working from home need reminding of routine:D:D
Me I will be on me knees grouting tiles:)

Ah bin messin wiv me diagnostic fing. Tup daytid ont web then wunt wurk. Tup daytid ergen un sum mor fekin erbowt un gorrit wukin. Then ah wont ter swop me tires un it wunt start as eye gorra fat battree. Fing in tank fool transfer pump wur runnin whyul eye be messin un eatid all the lectric oat battree. Eye as gorrit ont charge now.
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