Morning All :D
A lovely day out there.:) Paper's got, coffee's here and so am I.
I rather overdid the snoozing in the sun yesterday, and the angry pink colour of my torso and face attests to this fact.
Second day of external cat tray(s), and still no disasters. Itchy-cat is still thin as a rake but eating like a horse and not puking; I hope she is on the mend.
You all have splendid days too! :D
Av gorra nuvva bug. This be sat ont me winda sil yerterday. Bit windy so it's wing kept blowd over tother won. When eye moved erway it flowed ter top of me frog dor. Then layter bak neer sil ont winda ledge. Tuk several pic's wiv me fone. This won be the bestist. Eye as bin blessd wivva nuvva find. Eye beer fiend of naychair.


bug01 12OCD3l
Eye as sum pic's of me dor being mayd. It beer wudden fraym wiv flowa buds ont oat side. Eye as put int diagonals ter strenfen it. Diagonals be cut inta orizontal bits ter stop ends moovin and not at the end of the orizontal so they wunt push the side bit oft anorl. Me inspurayshun fer this cum fromt youtube,


wood05 U5eNKS4

Eye had elp from mortica ter cut oles. They be glud un as stick bits poked int to elp force the end ter fill un grip the ole. Eye int nevva tryd ter mayk proppa joynts like this befor. They be qwite strong.


wood01 3soTeXq


wood04 TVkZuet
Eye as nevva had ter mayk or ang a dor befor so this be me fust. Bit of gessin un it wukd oat ok. Eye fittid the inge ter side powst fust. Then centurd the door int fraym. It wur sat ont fin bits ere wud wivver paker bit of wud ut top left ter keep it strayt. Then eye put the fust ole int dor un put bolt frew. Mayd shor it wur still strayt un continued wiv mor oles un bolts. Eye be surprised it wukd out this gud. Top bit ov wud ova dor be missing. Eye will fit that ut sum poynt.


wood01 0CluSrZ

After dor be mayd eye realeyesd me inges be biggerer than eye fort. So eye bodged sum eggstra wud ont rear of door ter old me bolts int place. Eye fort this be betterer than just garn frew flowa buds.


wood03 lTHFPAG
Eye as nevva had ter mayk or ang a dor befor so this be me fust. Bit of gessin un it wukd oat ok. Eye fittid the inge ter side powst fust. Then centurd the door int fraym. It wur sat ont fin bits ere wud wivver paker bit of wud ut top left ter keep it strayt. Then eye put the fust ole int dor un put bolt frew. Mayd shor it wur still strayt un continued wiv mor oles un bolts. Eye be surprised it wukd out this gud. Top bit ov wud ova dor be missing. Eye will fit that ut sum poynt.


wood01 0CluSrZ

After dor be mayd eye realeyesd me inges be biggerer than eye fort. So eye bodged sum eggstra wud ont rear of door ter old me bolts int place.


wood03 lTHFPAG
Looks great! and a good result. I have a side-gate to make. The last one I made for the house lasted for 20 years but eventually rotted away.
Next one will be bit heavier in gauge of wood used so should see me out. :)
Today's DIY task was to make a replacement gate for the side of the house.
The last one was of a much lighter construction than this one, and lasted over 20 years.
This one is about twice the weight and thickness material-wise so should see me out.
I have yet to trim it to size along the long edges. I think herself will be pleased with it.
It is nothing fancy, just 4x1" Redwood Matching and 6 x 1" Spruce bracing.
It is both screwed and glued where the bracing is affixed to the matching boards.
Mrs Fox that has been using the side path is in for a shock!

Eye as nevva had ter mayk or ang a dor befor so this be me fust. Bit of gessin un it wukd oat ok. Eye fittid the inge ter side powst fust. Then centurd the door int fraym. It wur sat ont fin bits ere wud wivver paker bit of wud ut top left ter keep it strayt. Then eye put the fust ole int dor un put bolt frew. Mayd shor it wur still strayt un continued wiv mor oles un bolts. Eye be surprised it wukd out this gud. Top bit ov wud ova dor be missing. Eye will fit that ut sum poynt.


wood01 0CluSrZ

After dor be mayd eye realeyesd me inges be biggerer than eye fort. So eye bodged sum eggstra wud ont rear of door ter old me bolts int place. Eye fort this be betterer than just garn frew flowa buds.


wood03 lTHFPAG
Eye as sum pic's of me dor being mayd. It beer wudden fraym wiv flowa buds ont oat side. Eye as put int diagonals ter strenfen it. Diagonals be cut inta orizontal bits ter stop ends moovin and not at the end of the orizontal so they wunt push the side bit oft anorl. Me inspurayshun fer this cum fromt youtube,


wood05 U5eNKS4

Eye had elp from mortica ter cut oles. They be glud un as stick bits poked int to elp force the end ter fill un grip the ole. Eye int nevva tryd ter mayk proppa joynts like this befor. They be qwite strong.


wood01 3soTeXq


wood04 TVkZuet

Eye as nevva had ter mayk or ang a dor befor so this be me fust. Bit of gessin un it wukd oat ok. Eye fittid the inge ter side powst fust. Then centurd the door int fraym. It wur sat ont fin bits ere wud wivver paker bit of wud ut top left ter keep it strayt. Then eye put the fust ole int dor un put bolt frew. Mayd shor it wur still strayt un continued wiv mor oles un bolts. Eye be surprised it wukd out this gud. Top bit ov wud ova dor be missing. Eye will fit that ut sum poynt.


wood01 0CluSrZ

After dor be mayd eye realeyesd me inges be biggerer than eye fort. So eye bodged sum eggstra wud ont rear of door ter old me bolts int place. Eye fort this be betterer than just garn frew flowa buds.


wood03 lTHFPAG

Us boys be propper jealous. This be why us ordinary blokes chews an hero laike Lord Hippo to lead us forward. Door be a mark of his expertise an will stryke feer into hearts of us enemies. He also shows how ee be a champion uv wildlife in these tryin times. Us boys zaloots im.
Terday eye pulld oat weeds frompt me drive. Thar beer lot ov the lil fekers. Ah spent tu ours un gottid arf way. Weeds av idden where ants av pulld oat me sand un bricks dropped. Bastids. Eye'll spray the fekers if they keep that up.

Burds be int naybors gardin. Eye ad arfer bukit ov soil un sand ont side ov me drive ah just scrayptd up. A thin blak burd who live int naybors fromt bush erpeared. Hoppd frew fence un startid garn frew soil. He beer bout 3 to 4 fut erway. It be gud. He fownd er wurn an went. So e must be feedin sumfink. Layter e came bak. Adda luk int soil then got tu fut erway frompt me wile avvin a luk ut worreye were doing. Eye wur scraypin moss oat cracks. That be the clowsist e's been ter me. E beer bit more trustin than other blak burds. Eye kept puttin oat more wurms as they kept dissapearin. Dunt know wot gorrum but e's me new fiend an can avvem. Layter ont eye be ut side ov ma ippo un e came ter see worreye wos darn there. Scraypin moss ergen.


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