I can't really take sides on this one, we bought a FL1 a couple of weeks ago and I really like it.

Defender is cooler though :D
I can't really take sides on this one, we bought a FL1 a couple of weeks ago and I really like it.

Defender is cooler though :D
Yer can't take sides when there's only one answer...

...Freelanders rule. :)

Good to see a tratterer being honest by admitting they like Freelanders.

As the saying goes... 1 land rover int enough, so I bought another. :)
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Freelander 2's are ok

Still dunt like Freelander 1's though :p :D :D :D

Defender still only trumped by series ;) :boink: :D
I agree. A Series 2 Freelander beats a Series 1 Freelander. Also a rusty ole tratter. :D :p

Series 1 Freelanders are ok but the Series 2 Freelander was a big improvement. I would like a Series 2 Freelander anorl but I couldn't bare the thought of getting rid of ma hippo. :)

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