Us boys ev hacked owr way a bit furver inter hedge, nu trimmer be gude but us be frayd uv wot us myte find as us delves deeper. Orlreddy vound a Dodo, the Argo and zevral relics uv zaints as avvent bin zeen zince Dark Ages. There be hen blackburd veedin chicks at wun end zo us boys be voydin that bit.
I spent some time cleaning up the mess in the new shed (sawdust and dirt) and putting all the timber that had been left out in the rain yesterday and overnight in there on dry timbers off the floor.
I do need to get a decent door on there pronto so I can begin using the shed and before the foxes and badgers move in and crap all over the floor.
But... I needed a break and so this afternoon I had a play with "bike-bits" and trued and re-tensioned 2 new bike wheels made from Unicycle rims and put new tubes & tyres on them.
They make the 20" Marathon Plus shod wheels on my Tadpole trike look puny in comparison.
Now I need to make a trike to use them with so that I can go a bit more "off-road".
Morning All :D
This is what I would call a dank day. Cool and a bit of a wet feeling to the air.
Paper's got, Tidying done and a coffee here at my side. We shall crack on with the day very soon.
I have got to try and make two doors for the shed and hang them today/tomorrow as the weather is allegedly going to change to be very much wetter and colder.
Have a great day everyone.

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