Morning All :D
Another lovely lockdown day. :)
All the usual stuff is done.
I went out for another trike ride yesterday, forgot to put any suncream on. :oops:
I have a very sore band of skin just below my hairline on my forehead as a result.
But Oh it was glorious to be spinning along in the sunshine. I will NOT repeat it today as my knees/legs need to recover, but I may just have to take a short local spin instead of the long ride around the island.
Apparently the Island has been invaded by a group of 15 or more "traveler" families all in Transit vans towing big caravans. Guess what, lockdown doesn't apply to them and the police are doing nothing.
Just returned from the dog 'walk'. It turned into a brilliant play time for all. We met a friend - she was on the other side of the river which is now very, very low, and the dogs had a wonderful time - she's got two as well. She was throwing tiny doggy treats into the water and all four dogs were racing to retrieve!! You could say that small things amuse small minds but, in the present lockdown state, every little bit of pleasure for anyone one is great to see.:):):)

Mine are now drying off in the shade in the garden and sleeping off the energy drain. :) Long may it go on.:)

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