Ah wored meself oat wurkin ont me owse yesturday. Ah beer wayk eurly ter day but gor back ter sheep un gorrup ut eylevun. It beer nuvva ard day tendin ter wuk frompt ome. So eye is givin tup ter go ter bed as ah bin int baf tall redy un wotchin wud wuk vido's ont utube now.

Nice looking truck that @Hippo I take it you photo shopped owt the tratter that was pulling you up the hill?
Thar be no towin involved. Ah gottid round the corse before they had ter change the root cos the tratters cuddent gerrup the big slowp. All will be reveeld when ah puts tup the full vid.
Tis common knowlidge that Vreelanda be bestest 4x4 in hole whirl evva. Us carries hankies fur dabbin eyes uv failed tratterists. Also handy when goan Morris Dancin, but won't menchun that as be tu much fur delicate volks. A gude mornin tu orl!

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