Time fer sum wata but news. Tu days ergo eye add free buts full. Now ah gottid 4.4 buts ful. Ah wonderd if wata be get ot int son sum tyme ergo. Ah tested it int son now. Side of but be norras ot as eggspectid. Water be not ot intside. Ah finks it be becus son only it's won side of but and int enuf ter eat all wata intside as it moves erbowt so stays coola.
Gardin wheely bin this weak so ah filld it un got me naybors ter fil that anorl. Ah bin darn bottum ov gardin ter pull oat weeds. Av got nettuls. Ah bin told ter pull oat when they be biggerer only so they be strong enuf ter pull oat ther roots anorl. Ah dint fink of that an they be growd back befor. Ah fort they wud give tup un die.

Ah fort me bobbin nevva took any notice of me when int his tree churpin. That be not true when yer be pullin weeds. Each tyme ah walkd ter wheely bin wiv and fulls er weeds he flowd darn ter avva luk ut wot eye were dowin. Ont grand. Ont fence. E be thar then back int tree when eye returned. So ah gottid clevva. Ah turnd tover sum old bricks un slabs un stepped bak 20 fut. E wer darn un pekkin ut stuff. Ah finks e wur eatid creapy crawlys. Ah wos finkin after if eye fand er wurn ah cud givvit ter im ter mayk fiends.
Me noo lectric hair clippers has arrived. Charging up ready for a good clip tomorrow :eek:.
They be ouse sparrars int me ruf. Ah got me burd powsta un wos wotchin em eatid me wurms and avvin er drink frompt me baf. Ther beet bout 5 or 6 ah fink. Sum quite fin.

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