Gude marnin frens. Us boys ev busy day ahed, one chicken be tryin ter start a separatist movement and turn her back on society. Us be off to varm store ledder on fer razor wire and materials fer machine gun tower. Us bruised us knuckles tackling her in neighbours shrubbery yesdy so us iddun avvin no more o' that.
Gude marnin frens. Us boys ev busy day ahed, one chicken be tryin ter start a separatist movement and turn her back on society. Us be off to varm store ledder on fer razor wire and materials fer machine gun tower. Us bruised us knuckles tackling her in neighbours shrubbery yesdy so us iddun avvin no more o' that.

My granda used to chuck me over the fence when I were liddle so i could gets to where the chooks hid ... then throw 'em back ...
Morning All :D
Woke before 7 and just lay there listening to herself snoring (and farting):)
Up before 8 and paper retrieved from the Covid-19 depot.
Cats are fed, Coffee is 1/2 gone. Breakfast maybe?
I suspect I have been eating lead shot in my sleep as my weight has gone up 2 pounds in 2 days. :(
Have a great day all! :)

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