I think since we Freelanderers took over in ere the majority of changes made have improved things. The abuse has dropped and we get more respect than we did previously. Freelanderers and tratterers have even been known to go oft roading together.your right
i dont like it
Not sure about price as I don't look often. 2006 was the last production year for the FL1. Diesels are preferred over petrols and hold a betterer price. Economy is betterer too. that's one has a bmw engine known as the Td4. Have a look at this for what to look for.on a completely different note,
what do you think of this Hippo?
wife wants a freelander 2 door, what things should i look out for?
Some years ago I watched the TV show but these days only the web cams.you dont watch that do you
Bollocks!I think since we Freelanderers took over in ere the majority of changes made have improved things. The abuse has dropped and we get more respect than we did previously. Freelanderers and tratterers have even been known to go oft roading together.![]()
Since being in ere and talking about Freelanders I see there's a lot of new freds on mods appearing in ere. Particularly mods which convert yer tratters from just enough essential parts to something with a bit of comfort.Bollocks!
Now you are beginning to get ideas above your lowly Gaylanderer station!
We Tratterers are just nice people until someone starts extracting the urine, then we can get a little bit annoyed ... and we go orft road wiv you to pull you out of the muddy stuff before yer doors drop off![]()
I is a big and strong and tuff Tratterer and I has a roof wot dunt leak, and climate equalisation and an eater wot gets warm, but I dunt have a leffer arm rest coz I int soft and I does have park seats int back for me passengerers![]()
I iz a big strong truck driving freelanderer, I haz a roof that don't leak when it's on and letz all the rain in when it's orrf. When the windows is open and the roof is orrf I don't need no climate crap.. My heater works perfictly. An I iz kind enough to let my passengers sit on proper foam type seats ( dunno if they are comfy cuz I never sat in em!) and as for arm rests..... I just ain't bought one yet