I was having me early morning coffee in me garding this morning. A blackbird hopped in under the bush under the bird feeders to pick up dropped seeds and next doors moggy jumped out to ambush it. But it missed and the blackbird escaped unhurt :p.
Yer need ter block oft its ambush root so it cant gerrany burds. It knows they be after food ont flor.
Got sum rowstid chikin int me multi pack anorl. :)

When eye were a nippa me day would take us tup park ter play ont swings. We always ad rowstid chikin un orange pop. :)

You were lucky. When us boys wuz nort but nippers us wuz given a square uv toasted cowpat. Tuk ages tur choo and yur made shure yur diddun swally it.
Eye gets the feelin me bobbin dun't realeye's thar be wurms int me tub. It be same tub ah purront flor wiv wurms int. Ah went ter bin this mownin un he appered ont me woshin line pole. Ah went un gottid me tubber wurms as ther be nun by me bricks. Ah eld me tub up terrim un got as close as 2.5 fut an we just luked at teach tuffa. He luked darn at me tub un payd it a bit more ertendtun than normul but after 30 secund flowd ter me garrig ruf. Eld it oot ergen un he flowd darn me ruf un went ter me bricks ter luk fer wurms. Wel thar be still nun thar. He then flowd ter me burd ouse. Ah eld oot me tub ergen but he dropped int is hydin bush belowd burd ouse. So ah put the tub darn by me briks un he poped oot ont slap tunda bush so ah steppd bak un he flowd ter me briks. Lukd at me ferra bit un hopd ter syd of tub un piked er wurm un flowd tunda bush ergen. Ah wotchd im eated said wurm. He then pekd erbowt er bit un wotchd me then flowd ferra nuvva wurm then flowd oft ter tother fence un droppd darn totha side. So eye went darn garden ferra wonda un a minute later he wur int me bud baf by me briks avvin er wosh. Ah wotchd im. Noor justa qwik won. Er long won wiv many fluttas of wings. standin int baf ah just woshd oot un felld wiv klen wata frompt tap. Then he flowd oft. It be nice ferrim ter beer bowt like that. Eye gets the feelin ah need ter tub feed im when he be int mud fer fod. When he be int tree singin he be wurkin un too busy ter eated fod. Witch be why as bin avvin problums tub feedin im. Ah talso fink he be not able ter see wurms int tub so ah need ter fillit tup mor. Ah wunda if e gave is mrs the secund wurm and wur ont promis so adda baf un got luky.
Anuvva pre production Freelander.

Always mayks me laff when peeps pik ont evoque owners sayin gerra proppa rr. If the int gorra classic like below then they int gorra proppa one themselves.


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