The Met Office forecast for NOW says less than 5% chance of rain. The sky has gorn black and it is pi55ing down. How can they keep getting it so wrong? Haven't they got windows to look out of? :confused:
They got it right then. Water in the sky passing over you. It has a certain chance of falling. It won't guarantee to fall on yer.
Afraid to say that I did drive through two closed road signs, fortunately I do know the areas and the floods very well so deemed it sensible to just raise my suspension and drive through the lowest point of the non-flowing waters - the tide must have changed so the downstream flood plains were starting to flow onwards thus stopping our 'overspills' from flowing. They are now at the point where they stop, hold their breath and then return to the emptying streams and rivers. It will all start again in a few hours.:rolleyes::)
Us boys Hippo (bestest 4x4 in the hole whirl evva) wud've managed fluddin without trouble but wud still not uv got us places safe fer dugs. Twere zafer ter go upstreem a few miles zo watter wuz lower. What appens layder remains tu be zeen!
Us boys Hippo (bestest 4x4 in the hole whirl evva) wud've managed fluddin without trouble but wud still not uv got us places safe fer dugs. Twere zafer ter go upstreem a few miles zo watter wuz lower. What appens layder remains tu be zeen!
This is upstream!! I live up in the 'ills where the water be made, the trouble is that there are many springs making lots of little streams all flowing down the 'ills to join their bigger brother who, in turn, join 'is even bigger brothers! They all then elbow their way to join the big boy who eventually flows to the sea! The trouble comes when the tide comes up the river and a big punch-up commences and the empty plains flood waiting for the tide to go back out to sea and take the waiting water with it.
We do not get flooding very often on our plains but the land is just unable to take any more as the water table is full to bursting! Then they have to release some of the water in the dam and ….. well, you know what 'appens then.:rolleyes::):)

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