
New Member
Sod's Law has struck again - and this time, it was muddy and cold, with a spot or two of rain!

We got Douglas back on the road yesterday, with his new gearbox (minus o/d for the time being) in and had a really good day running him around the countryside to wake him up again.

So, first thing this morning I was really looking forward to driving him in to work and having a nice potter home after work..but it was not to be:




While manouvering him out of the drive (was very tight given the fact he had 3 other cars to contend with!), we got stuck in the most minute of lumps in the grass and that was it..he was stuck.

"No problem" I thought, going to engage four wheel drive..and then remembered..he has no front propshaft - as Chris removed it when he fitted the new gearbox - as the old one was shot.

So, for the rest of the day Douglas is stuck in the rather unflattering position (resting against a small wall!) in my gateway, waiting to be pulled out by Sophie.

...Next time, I won't take Chris' word that I won't need four wheel drive or a propshaft for that matter!

Lol, he is stuck there until the other half drags him out with my 2 1/4 petrol later on this evening!

He's not the most err..wonderful LR when it comes to "off roading" (!!) - even in my own muddy garden :(

get som feck arf mud tyres fer that when ya fix it gurl!!!

I can get you a prop.

I don't want no bloody mud tyres on the poor old bus - he'd fall to bits at the sight of 'em!!

As for the prop, I've got one in my "stores" (aka a manky old shed) - and should get it fitted tonight.

Bloody non-4x4 Land Rover... :doh:

I don't want no bloody mud tyres on the poor old bus - he'd fall to bits at the sight of 'em!!

As for the prop, I've got one in my "stores" (aka a manky old shed) - and should get it fitted tonight.

Bloody non-4x4 Land Rover... :doh:

I had general grabbers on me 109 they were good.
You got him stuck there, how embarrassing for dougie.
Suggest you buy him a prop shaft for crimbo.

I know :( poor old thing must be feeling like a right plonker being stuck there in full view of everybody!

And luckily for him, I've got some spare propshafts sitting waiting for him tonight.

How can summat that bleeds for a week and still lives not push a landy out is beyond me.....

Because I don't bleed for a week - so ner :D I've got an easy life.

And I would have (attempted to) push him out if a) I hadn't been late for work and b) hadn't have been wearing high heels that stopped me from being able to walk properly in the first place :p

course lo gear would have probally given the control to got out the hole even without
4x4 then just slip back to 2x4 and nobody would be takin the **** now lol

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