luke 27

New Member
im a bespoke builder living in london and have romantic notions of driving about in a 110. i do little miles and although i work between the rush hours, i nevertheless have some concern about diesel consumption. I have prowled ebay and notice all of the different engine types, some original and some transfered, which should i aim to get? i may be able to afford a post 2006 one which i assume has the better fuel economy or is there nothing in it? am i wise to buy the most up to date model or are older models say 2002 just as good. the same applies to insurance and tax and the inevitable long term serving/repair picture.

i suppose i know very little as yet and have to navigate a few decisions...

really appreciate some advice ...luke
Welcome, I cant really give much advise as i am on my first Defender, I have a 2002 90 TD5 with only 64000 on the clock. i will say however that any registered 2006 onwards you will be in the higher vehicle tax bracket.
+1 for the LEZ, depends if you get a van, pick-up or an estate, and possibly how many seats, I am pretty sure that 200/300tdi variants are not LEZ compliant in van/pickup form.

Whilst older models may use more diesel, with you not driving far the savings involved in an older model can pay for a lot more diesel. 200/300tdi variants are also farily happy to run on high bio-content diesel with out any messing around.
"bespoke builder"? you in Savile Row then?! Maybe consider a petrol v8 - converted to LPG [plenty to be had] go for a CSW to be sure of LEZ compliance [although my 2 door 110 is exempt] Worth checking but LPG vehicles were exempt congestion charge as well, plus 60/70 pence per litre AND you get a V8!
"bespoke builder"? you in Savile Row then?! Maybe consider a petrol v8 - converted to LPG [plenty to be had] go for a CSW to be sure of LEZ compliance [although my 2 door 110 is exempt] Worth checking but LPG vehicles were exempt congestion charge as well, plus 60/70 pence per litre AND you get a V8!

what is cws? sounds good. if a get a pertrol v8 (after checking lez conpliance) how easy is the conversion? thanks anyhow for the idea
County Station Wagon is basically a Land Rover estate, therefore NOT a commercial/van thus Lez compliant................... having said that my hard top 110 petrol/LPG is compliant so possibly TFL are only against diesels........................... anything you consider just run it's reg number through TFL/LEZ website.
Many, probably most, V8's have been converted already, they need to be certificated every 10 years so check if you look at any, getting a new cert involves getting a new tank IIRC so budget that in...................... if you get an unconverted one there are plenty of companies that'll do the work - £1500 - £2000 ballpark. Keep us posted.......................
I think I would be starting with who is going to maintain it.

The newer vehicles may (will) need specialised electronic diagnostics, which you can buy, but obviously this is an extra cost. You might find the older vehicles more sympathetic to "home" maintenance, but you'll still need a certain amount of facilities to do this.
There have been a few posts on here recently about undesirable so called "maintenance" by dubious garages, and unless you can do it all yourself, you're going to need an independent specialist you can trust. It might be worth posting on here to get a recommendation for one in your area.

A V8 90 CSW is an awesome vehicle IMHO.

Best of luck with your search.
Luke, whereabouts in London are you? I'm in SW Herts, near j18 m 25, and use Harris Mayes Country Cars to look after my Defender - they are in Rickmansworth and I've used them for years on the Defender, two Range Rovers, and a Series 3 and never had a problem with them. Might be worth giving them a ring and seeing if they know of a customer car for sale ?

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