When I was about 20 ish (so a long time ago) I was doing some driving for an electrical wholesaler delivering some 8ft fluorescent tubes, from recollection over a thousand of them.
They were boxed in 25's and i do remember that I had to trawl round about 7 different branches of the company to collect everything they had to fill the order. It filled the van i had at the time which was a renault traffic so had to resort to putting about 6 boxes on the roof rack from the last branch i went to, all strapped and bungied down but you cant go too tight with thin glass tubes.

well on the way to deliver to the customer all was well until some numpty slammed on in front of the truck in front of me and obviously i had to do the same only to see 24 8ft tubes launching from the roof rack like a missile battery, one of the boxes had been opened and one tube take out and not sealed up again, like a tw@t I hadnt seen this when loading the box so had put it on the rack facing forwards.

luckily it was only the back door of the truck in front that got a barrage of glass flung at it but i wasnt allowed to forget about that one in a hurry by the office.

I can still see it happening now if i close my eyes.
Left one of works Bushnel trail cams on the passenger wing once, was sure I put it in the cab but couldn't find it when I got home...........

When I re-traced my tracks I found it in about million bits on a round about, it must have been hit by every lorry and car that had gone over the round about in the hour it took me to find it!

oooooo i wants one of them ;)
Was laning in Wales and driving alone saw a cup just like the one I had , resting on a rock ....fancy that , thinks I , what a coincidence that a cup exactly like mine should just happen to be in the middle of a lane in Wales...off we drive for a few more miles til we have a pit stop. Frantic searching for my cup leads to the realisation that I'd been drinking coffee on last stop and had left it on lead landy's front bumper while I went for a wee. Cup I'd looked at on rock and driven past was mine :doh:

Fookin classic :hysterically_laughi
When I was about 20 ish (so a long time ago) I was doing some driving for an electrical wholesaler delivering some 8ft fluorescent tubes, from recollection over a thousand of them.
They were boxed in 25's and i do remember that I had to trawl round about 7 different branches of the company to collect everything they had to fill the order. It filled the van i had at the time which was a renault traffic so had to resort to putting about 6 boxes on the roof rack from the last branch i went to, all strapped and bungied down but you cant go too tight with thin glass tubes.

well on the way to deliver to the customer all was well until some numpty slammed on in front of the truck in front of me and obviously i had to do the same only to see 24 8ft tubes launching from the roof rack like a missile battery, one of the boxes had been opened and one tube take out and not sealed up again, like a tw@t I hadnt seen this when loading the box so had put it on the rack facing forwards.

luckily it was only the back door of the truck in front that got a barrage of glass flung at it but i wasnt allowed to forget about that one in a hurry by the office.

I can still see it happening now if i close my eyes.

:hysterically_laughi can picture that happening.

I was collecting some soil pipe for the local building firm I was working for a couple of years ago and was using their ldv pickup so loaded them tight to the tailgate and onto the ladder bar on the front of the tipper bed only had some blue rope to secure them so tied them tight (or so I thought). as I was driving back to the site I clocked the shadow of the van and saw the pipes in the shadow and thought they looked a little weird but continued. when I arrived at the site the pipes and slipped about so my 'secure' roping had allowed them to shift so that they were diagonally across the bed of the van. won't be making that mistake again
Taking caravan back to storage. Left control for motor mover on disco back bumper and set off.
Got to storage yard,nocontrol anywhere. Had to push van by hand.eventually remembered leaving control on bumper. Searched an found control about 2 miles from house and run over
It still worked after putting. It together by tape.
Cost me £70 for a replacement.learning by disco is expensive
I unintentionally left an empty coffee paper cup on the wing of flatlanders landy during LZ10. I think said cup made it into photos and filums. Kind of like a recycling photobomber.

Left my phone on the front wheel of me disco overnight once after photoing the underside. Forgot and drove over it next morning while having it rung. It survived thanks to the sixteen quid chinese metal mil case thingy I've wrapped it in. Kills the signal and battery mind!!
I was using my phone as a torch one night whilst tipping the excess cr*p off the back of an 18t tipper lorry, put my phone back in my pocket, drove the lorry forwards to park it up then went to get my phone out my pocket.

I can only imagine I missed my pocket in the dark because I found my phone, ringing, in the mud, in the shape of a banana where the back wheels had driven over it :doh:
Surely I'm not the only person to:-

Remove swivel ball by loosening and removing awkward 15mm bolts.

Extract bearing race and bush, discard.

Freeze replacements overnight.

Warm ball in oven.

Fit new bearing race and bush.

Refit ball, and effing 15mm bolts. Destroy favourite 15mm ratchet ring.

Refit everything bar the brake drum.

Stop for coffee.

Return and think 'that doesn't look right'.

Dismantle while cursing the muppet that thought it a good idea to have the bush and bearing holes the same effing size, thus allowing effing muppets like me to fit them upside down.


Buy new 15mm ratchet ring, knowing that you can never love it because of the circumstances surrounding its' purchase.
I sympathise with the forced / necessity replacement purchase of tools.........definitely not as much love for it and somehow feels less of a mans tool.
My neighbour has just won a t-shirt.

Been stood getting some stuff out of my vehicle. Saw my neighbours car starting to move off slowly and I thought......not like my neighbour to shout hello and I never heard him getting in.
Although I thought ignorant sod I gave a polite wave to the driverless car as it went past.

I was still stood with my hand up in the air which must of looked like a nazi salute as I stood motionless whilst watching my neighbours car mount the kerb several houses down, crash through the hedge and and came to rest in another neighbours front garden.

Turns out he forgot to put the handbrake on when he got in in the early hours of this morning leaving it in gear.
bundle of 22mm copper on the roof of my then sherpa van,forgot to tie them down,they come off in the town center mashed all the ends,i looked like a numpty ,thankfully it hit nobody

erm erm, thk christ its not just me that done that :):)

also left the side door open once on the van and ended up with 2 x containers of copper fittings sprawled across the road, scrappy time i thought,lol
I've left the locking wheel nut key thing on the wheelnut and gone for a test drive.

Obviously it wasn't there when I got back I spent hours cycling round the estate trying to find it.
I loaded our mini digger onto the trailer to take to a friends, half way though loading I took a phone call and put the phone on the trailer, finished strapping down and set off, it's only half way there that I went to find it to hand to my passenger when the realisation set in, ****. Thankfully due to the ridiculous rubber case it was still on the trailer
i checked my gearbox and transfer box oils then decided the transfer box was in need of replacement so did so then went for a drive to then find that i had an oil leak from the loose gearbox level plug :(
1 litre of satin black rustoleum dropped on courtyard yesterday evening:mad:

Fortunately wife away this week, but even after loads of white white spirit, hard brush and jet wash you can still see where it's been:eek:

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