
New Member
Does anybody have, know of or can help source an ex MOD Mitchelin 7.50 R16C ZXL or very similar. I want to keep Reggy as original as possible but hey, at the end of the day it's only a spare!

Any suggestions guys?:confused:
dont you mean XZL?

try LW Vass{B162DEE9-ED8B-45C4-B051-AF763555804B}

PA blanchards

or any of the other MOD surplus suppliers

think i have 1 knocking around the garage. half tread or so. i'll nip out and take a look tomorrow if u want. not perfect but itd do as a spare.
sorry bud, misses is heavily pregnant, due tomorrow in fact, so getting on here is the least of me worries at the mo! haha.

there is one here if u still need it but it will need to wait till baby turns up now im afraid.

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