
Right, I know it's a long shot but does anyone want to give me a Land Rover??? I had to get rid of my beloved 90 last year due to missis being pregnant but I can't fill that void in my life!(especially with a vectra).

Now if you'd had a cunning plan like me, you'd have bought the vectra first, telling the misus you'd sell the LR straight after. And then induce minor sabotage on the vectra, thus needing the backup of the LR while you sort it out. Got away with it for 3 months so far, fingers crossed she'll forget the deal details soon...
Right, I know it's a long shot but does anyone want to give me a Land Rover??? I had to get rid of my beloved 90 last year due to missis being pregnant but I can't fill that void in my life!(especially with a vectra).


Vote for Ed Miliband, think his plan is nobody should have to actually work for anything so he'll probably send over a fully rigged Defender for you.
Should of got a 110 or disco:)

Yeh this. One of my main justifications to her indoors for getting the disco. After coming from a hot hatch with all the baby gear rammed in, I now don't even have to put the pram down, just throw it straight in! :D
I went full circle. When we had the first child we had a 3 door disco. I loved it,she hated it. Then went to an astra and got fed up not haveing any boot space. Then got a 4 door disco and never looked back,only thing I have to bear in mind with the mods is the misses still has to be able to drive it.
disco is ideal for kids.... buggy fits in boot unfolded.... get a seven seater and you can play taxi for herds of teenagers aswell.
Vote for Ed Miliband, think his plan is nobody should have to actually work for anything so he'll probably send over a fully rigged Defender for you.

Which would make a change from the Tory toff boys killing off the sick and disabled and generally making the poorest and most vulnerable people in society pay for the greedy corporate bankers mistakes that put us all in this mess
Right, I know it's a long shot but does anyone want to give me a Land Rover??? I had to get rid of my beloved 90 last year due to missis being pregnant but I can't fill that void in my life!(especially with a vectra).


Sell the vectra buy a disco! Sorted :D
Stick with the vectra

Your not man enough to own a landy, thats been proven

As ya mrs what car you are allowed next and stop complaining to us
Stick with the vectra

Your not man enough to own a landy, thats been proven

As ya mrs what car you are allowed next and stop complaining to us

This man is wise.

Well, you know .. :cool:
Cheers for the comments!i'm guessing its going to be a disco then, I'll have to ask permission first though lol

In all honesty we're on the look out for a disco or p38 now!

yeah give the P38 a miss if you want to keep it on the road and working!

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