I'd be up fer it but me vehicles in bits at the mo, an I'd have to be sure your not a nob head fost you never know who your talking to on here!!

Have a look at the GLASS code of conduct thingy an if your prepared to follow it then I could be persuaded.
no m8 i dont think im a nobber think u mean do i drink stuff thats blue in bottles no, do i buy a car on finance because jonses have no, do i buy designer clothes because a fit blonde will fancy an ugly over weight bloke like me because tv says they will then no, do i care that my car is old and not very trendy no, and no my hair isnt spikey and stripey, sorry if i offend anybody,,,,, what do i like engines including the steam ones v12 merlin gives me a hard on how strange am i
sorry if i offend anybody
That's the only bit I'm worried about Your sorry about offending people who have spikey stripey hair. I'm with you on everything else speshly the Merlin engine. Oooooooooh NURSE!!!!!!
no i aint got a gaylander worse?????......... im up for it kingsonlim anybody else fancy pulling me outa touble
up in scotland it maybe but down ere in yorkshire that would be a t@~t or a c~}t
slitty split screen landrover ??????

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