
Active Member
Hello all,

As the title says really. I am coming back to the UK for Christmas and new year staying in Derby.

I have a 2004 D2 td5 with ACE fitted. I live in rural France far away from spares. The ACE system has worked perfectly but I know that sometime in the future it will give me problems.

So, I am taking this opportunity whilst being in the UK to source any parts or complete system that someone may have sat in the corner of the garage, after taking the system of their car and wants the space back.

I do understand that there are people who will consider me slightly mad to even contemplate keeping ACE but I would like to try and keep the car as she came out of the factory.

I wait for all the messages of support and parts or the odd one questioning my sanity.

whereabouts in the pyrenees are you? I am just between Puivert & Belesta, 11230 and might have all the parts you're after. Just breaking a Td5 Disco with ACE, some new pipes, pump etc. look me up when you're back. 0468 741672

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