@AudioInstigator it's time for some serious honesty : you cannot run these vehs on a less than 100% battery. Never heard of a refurb but if it is indeed as kermit says, then you will be buying another one
very, very, very soon. Then another and another.
If you are serious about being so strapped , that you cannot afford a new battery, then sadly, you most probably not in a place for this vehicle
If you are already down on rent, and relying on any LR/RR product for work, out your own pocket, Don't. Most owners have very good recovery cover or another vehicle.
If you cannot do a lot of the work yourself, or cannot afford to pay someone else. Again this is not the time to have this vehicle in your life.
I do not wish to pee on your bonfire but someone has to be honest with you. . The P38 is easier to work on than the L322, but you will need time /money, to work on it, sooner rather than later. The P38 is cheaper to run/maintain than the L322 , but nothing is cheap if you can't really afford it.
I wish you luck , whatever you do with it.