
I'm actually very sad to see this car end its usefulness as I have driven it in some quite harsh conditions in Derbyshire for around 14K over the last couple of years. I had only ever owned series landrovers when I was younger and found the Freelander a much easier and yet capable car/suv/horsefeed shed.

This Freelander has been in my family for 1.1million years and passed to me when my uncle died 2 years back. Its MOT'd and all the off road stuff works. Its very muddy and a tad full of hay and cool cubes but given how many receipts my Uncle had and how much he cared about the car I don't want to just drop it off at sims metals.

Is there a resting place for dead freelanders, can I send it out on a raft on carssington - maybe lit by an arrow

All (most - well polite) ideas welcome

Is this your attempt at trying to flog it on here Susie? :rolleyes:

Well I was more thinking of not wasting valuable parts - some money would be lovely (but I know its not worth much). My Uncle and I shared several Land Rovers starting with a 1969 lwb, over all the years we never actually just threw one away.
This is a good idea and much less wasteful but I need to think where it can sit while that's done - not really allowed to do this while parked on the road...

Anyone got a field they would let you park it in? You could cancel the insurance, SORN it, and sell the bits from classified ad, or on ebay.

Alternatively, you could trailer it to a breaker, they will probably give you a few quid for it.
Stick it beside the stable, and keep your horse food in it !

Nice idea but my ponies don't have a stable - they live outside 24x7 - one hates being indoors and the other is a mini shetland so finds derbyshire a tad too warm.
You could try ebaying it for spares or repair. You might not get much more than from a scrapyard but it's always better than the crusher.

You could try ebaying it for spares or repair. You might not get much more than from a scrapyard but it's always better than the crusher.

That's fair advice but I'm not sure I'm brave enough. Thing is if I advertise on ebay people may want to view and others will bid and then not pay. Both mean I get strangers visiting me, sounds silly but if it goes to someone on here (doesnt seem likely) I think the process might feel safer. I'm not sure the difference in money between scrap and ebay is worth the risk.

However, I might ask at a local storage yard and see if they will keep it for me whilst its on ebay

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