Td4 has a plastic thermost housing too, sealed with an o ring. ..mines now got a new o ring and gasket sealer for extra strength. ... theres another plastic bit stuck to the head which has also got new o ring and huge dollops of gasket sealer on it too......and its fixed.

In 20k id have to do this again on a k series;)

BMW do love there cheap plastic bits bolted to metal.
O rings simply aren't designed to last forever like a proper metal housing with a gasket.
From what I've seen over the years, these plastic bits fail long before the engine. However it's often the failed plastic bits that cause the engine to fail.
Lots of manufacturers use plastic for thermostat housings, top hose connections, cam covers and the like. The downside is, plastic has a short life in the engine bay environment.
FFS, if you like it and can afford it buy the fuc**** thing. You know what you're looking at, which you obviously do, then go for it. It looks good and 70k isn't much if you do you're own work.

Ignore the petrol an swan vesta posts. If you can get it for 3k then so much the better.
so to differ but my wife has had her 1800 petrol for over 12 years it is a 98 model and yes she had the head gasket done . and last year it started loosing water ,but this year it got a bit worse so I investigated and it was all due to the headed tank , all those little cracks in it were loosing the water , a new one fitted and no more water loss , I do check hers and mine a td4 hse 2006 model every week for water and oil and to top up windscreen washer and tyres (English spelling) I have always checked them every week no matter what car I have had over 48 years of driving.
You will clearly cherish the car and I'm sure it will be reliable and give years of good service as a result but can't help thinking that one day you will be driving up a hill and get stuck behind a caravan and then spend the rest of the day wishing you'd got another V6.....

To me the K series is like the stunning, busty but slightly dim blonde you used to date before you met your wife.... If you can cope with having to ask how it is everyday and telling it how nice it looks the driving pleasure will be ample reward.....

Yes it has cooling system issues but changing the thermostat on a td4 isn't a nice job either and probably just as common a problem which is why people end up bodging them with in- hose stats.
Thanks for the comments. I'm not anti Td4, I just prefer petrol.
I took my V6 for a 50 mile drive yesterday on A and B roads. Whilst it's not economical, it is just so bloody nice to drive.
My V6 has just 41K on the clock although the engine has around 80K. But everything else on the car is so unworn or untouched.
The only reason I'd be looking to change to the 1.8 is for slightly better economy. As my kids get older, they are needing an ever increasing amount of ferrying around. Sadly the V6 does sub 20 mpg. Not an issue when I use it for my daily 10 mile commute but costly as "Dad's Taxi".
I like the facelift look and the interior looks more modern too, I'm still undecided as to weather the later interior is better or does in fact make the Freelander less Freelander like.

I did make the salesman an offer on the car, sadly he said he would have to consult the boss but can't until Monday. He's going to call me then so we'll see.
Thanks for the comments even if they were a little off topic from time to time.
I think there's only 1 solution. Get an L Series and with the money you'll save buy some leather seats, facelift bumpers and lights and take the family on holiday "for free". No brainer!
Or just keep the v6......I doubt you'll be saving that much going too a will have push the 1.8 harder.....

What about lpg conversion?
Really depends on how much you like it and how many miles you do. I get about 27 mpg most of the time. So you will go half as far agin on the same amount of fuel.

The 1.8 won't give as many smiles to the gallon though when you are having a blast on the back roads or when you need a bit of oomph.

I also like the facelift interior and exterior make over but I wouldn't buy one just for that when it can put the later seats into my early car!
Did you buy it mate ?

No. I'm sticking to my current V6. Especially on closer inspection, the header tank is full of Bars Leaks :eek:
Besides I feel it's better to stick to the car you know rather than buy one I don't.
I think longer term, my plan is to get a Discovery 3 as a more suitable replacement.

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