Jaysus...the Rotherham Pikey has only been back less than a day and the forum has gone back to it's normal back slapping...or should I say back stabbing ways!!!!

God knows what will happen if Cameron gets in next week. We have politicians over here that will be taxing ****eing and farting given half the chance. Suppose there will be a mass Pikey exodus via. Holyhead if he does...some might call it "Ethnic Cleansing" but making the Pikeys have a compulsory annual bath will get rid very quickly.
Anyway, stop picking on Gemsdad..he bought me a pint once and it wasn't raining...it's always dry in the boozer :beer2::beer2::beer2:.
Jaysus...the Rotherham Pikey has only been back less than a day and the forum has gone back to it's normal back slapping...or should I say back stabbing ways!!!!

God knows what will happen if Cameron gets in next week. We have politicians over here that will be taxing ****eing and farting given half the chance. Suppose there will be a mass Pikey exodus via. Holyhead if he does...some might call it "Ethnic Cleansing" but making the Pikeys have a compulsory annual bath will get rid very quickly.
Anyway, stop picking on Gemsdad..he bought me a pint once and it wasn't raining...it's always dry in the boozer :beer2::beer2::beer2:.
well you could have stayed for more you know.:doh::D:D
fookin pensioners,manks and scousers startin on me.......anyone that fits into the human race want to ave a go :D
i'm still alive!! just!!:D:D:D

Phuc me!!!..this thread is 6 pages long & poor old Gav has only posted twice!!!

& While I'm at it ...............Southern Soft ARses .. drinikin lemonade shandies & callin it BEER!!! & going to the "City" in a tunnel FFS yer living in the victorian ages ...........Look like a load on Fookin lemins:D:D:D:D:D

Ohhhh!! we all live DRAN SARF & pay TWICE AS MUCH as us up here on just LIVING!!!:D:D:D:D:D

I stopped at a services t'other day on the M1/M25 ...... FOOK ME £2.50 fer a tin of coke ..............FOOK ME I could get a crate full up here fer that !!!!:D:D:D:D:D
lying ****er!!! unless you failed of course, if you were really keeping her happy you woudnt be back fer weeks!!!:doh::doh::doh:

See dirty fookin minds..... I Really WAS keepin her Happy..HONEST ..she was lookin after our Grand Daughter

And I was Cookin the fookin Tea!!!!......

[Translation for southern softies]

"TEA" this means eatin summott between 4PM 6 PM..... it IS NOT "DINNER" ...Dinner is wot you have between 12PM & 1PM. It is NOT LUNCH nor is it "Lunchtime" it is DINNER TIME therefore you eat yer "DINNER"

"LUNCH" is wot Americans eat at "Dinner Time"

You have yer "TEA" at "Tea time" not yer "Dinner"

You do not come home from work & announce (In a Terry Thomas type accent) "Well Hello Darling, I see we're having Boiled sweade for Dinner, Top Ho What!!!"

You charge thru 'Front door shoutin... "Hey up chuck, arr's got 8 inches of love truncheon fer thee so get thee drawers darn sharpish .. but only when tha's done fryin them thar chips fer me tea, & dournt feget I likes broawn sause on em will thee??"

SEE us "Northerners" are really very sofisticated, none of this "Fannying" around wiv Wine & chocolates...... just "Cut 'T chase"

No MESSING !!!!!
See dirty fookin minds..... I Really WAS keepin her Happy..HONEST ..she was lookin after our Grand Daughter

And I was Cookin the fookin Tea!!!!......

[Translation for southern softies]

"TEA" this means eatin summott between 4PM 6 PM..... it IS NOT "DINNER" ...Dinner is wot you have between 12PM & 1PM. It is NOT LUNCH nor is it "Lunchtime" it is DINNER TIME therefore you eat yer "DINNER"

"LUNCH" is wot Americans eat at "Dinner Time"

You have yer "TEA" at "Tea time" not yer "Dinner"

You do not come home from work & announce (In a Terry Thomas type accent) "Well Hello Darling, I see we're having Boiled sweade for Dinner, Top Ho What!!!"

You charge thru 'Front door shoutin... "Hey up chuck, arr's got 8 inches of love truncheon fer thee so get thee drawers darn sharpish .. but only when tha's done fryin them thar chips fer me tea, & dournt feget I likes broawn sause on em will thee??"

SEE us "Northerners" are really very sofisticated, none of this "Fannying" around wiv Wine & chocolates...... just "Cut 'T chase"

No MESSING !!!!!

Class Keith, shear class.

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