look the pair of yous , STOP IT! you'll only upset him again and his mums' only just finished picking up his toys
ah think so,, ah mean its ok to take the piff from growed ups but these kids, well you have to cut them some slack.........or is it give them enough rope?
why dint u just measure it like any normal bod ?

Oh, and just because it fits in one ncp, doesn't mean it will fit in all of them as they is all different. Done a fair bit of work in various ncp's , and me freelander goes in all of them, c/w roof rails. In some of them, I can still get in, even with roof bars a set of triples, and pair of 8 treads on top, held down with ladder clamps. But some of them are much lower, either due to their construction, or a later refurbishment which brings all the services (lighting, trunking, sprinklers, pa, fire detection and so on) down off the slab.

Speak to the manager/operative of the car park concerned. Lots are higher on the ground floor level, and keep a few spaces back on the ground for higher vehicles (transits etc), and will let you park there. However, depending on where it is and how you feel about the manager/operative, it might be polite to offer an incentive (i.e. cash), which should help you secure a space in future.

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