Personally I prefer some smoked garlic however i like my pizza that gets delivered.
who ever took that pic shouldn't have been pointing a camera at it but a shotgun and nail that bastid pigeon sat on the top of it :D
"A STOLEN Land Rover was found on fire in an Onchan school playground last night.

Local residents alerted the emergency services who attended Ashley Hill Primary School at 1am to put out the flames of a silver Land Rover Freelander Discovery.

The police are treating the incident as suspected arson.

The vehicle, with the registration HMN 321W,"

Descriptions a bit vague was it a gaylander or a disco? niether me thinks as unless it was a gaylander or a disco with a private plate, as it was registered in 1981 which would make it a series 3 or a rangerover.
As a new "Freelander" owner, I must wonder if some are hung up on size... Remember it's not the size, but what you do with it! :p
I recently heard that people who say size does not matter are shallow....................i just feel sorry for the people who had it nicked.
Perhaps we can shoot the pigeon for being there, the tea leafs for taking it and give the owners counselling so's they don't buy another, stopping the need to steal or produce such a thing....a win win i think.....although i did like the free ranger and i quite like the two door versions .....hmmmm

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