HAHA made me chuckle Jason - going to give it a go when i crack on and do all this because at the moment finishing with up to my neck putting the shackle round the toe bar - im still freezing - just grabbed the seats out as they were STACKED with water. So will leave it to dry out for a while then get on and look into it. thanks again guys sooo please with the replys. still feel like a cock but pleased that it prob wont be a new engine time! (IHOPE)

:eek::eek: :p
Have you tried to start it? If you haven't don't until you know there's no water it there. But if you have (most people can't help themselves) did it go kdunk and not turn over? That means water in engine! So do as advised but make sure the entire inlet system is empty, cos you can think you've been lucky and got away with no damage only to find there's a pint of water some where that gets sucked thru at high revs and blows your engine to pieces!!!! A day or so later:( better to be safe than sorry :)
I hope its all ok.

I took my new standard Disco out last night following MikeyT in his well prepped 90.

I bottled out at Terling as it was just over 2 foot deep, and although I took my last one through at 2ft and all was fine, I didn't want to risk this one.

We did come across another Ford though that was just under 2 foot that went up to my bonnet with a bough wave, but the next one marked at the same height went over the bonnet so I didn't push my luck any more.

I've got a Snorkel and bigger wheels to fit when this rain lets up a bit.
No I have mechanical sense and soon as it stalled I left it! Well just checked
Oil and nothing but oil in there gonna do glow plug crank over then cross fingers. Let's hope ah
No I have mechanical sense and soon as it stalled I left it! Well just checked
Oil and nothing but oil in there gonna do glow plug crank over then cross fingers. Let's hope ah

water will settle at the bottom of the crank so you need to drop some out the drain plug to be sure
Haha!!! So release some anyway just incase I checked it and nothing white in there indicating water but will donit to sure
Haha!!! So release some anyway just incase I checked it and nothing white in there indicating water but will donit to sure

Will only emulsify when mixed with heat and pressure.....you're looking for water that looks like.....well......water :eek:
well i will give it a bash and have a look but basicly it was what looked like oil when ive checked in the past. at least its a confident find then finding it looking runny
It's started and run fine but was full of water!

Foud out fuel tank was full water
To as it cut out.

What else do you recommend doing now I have it going? What to check and or change before gettin in and goin again
If it was deep enough to get in the fuel tank, I'd be tempted to change all of your oils and filters as a precaution, and obviously drain the tank the water should settle to the bottom then decant the fuel off the top. As mentioned previously make sure there's no water in the inlet system. And pray its all ok when you start to drive it! Then fit a snorkel;)
Well it started and ran well untill the water got into it so hopeing all ok. Think going to need my Haynes manual to change all oils!

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