Edit I'm going to use this post to document repairs and updates.

Mar 2015
Replaced Head gasket and oil rail and cleaned out blocked oil passage ways. How this engine didn't destroy itself is beyond me as the oil can't have been flowing properly.

what prompted replacement of the HG?

I'd been hearing the STUPIDLY common sound of the drivers side window regulator stringing itself up recently until the inevitable stuck window forced me to do something about it, so ordered a replacement wiring kit and had a go. I'd already successfully replaced the wiring for a rear window so figured 'how hard can it be?'
As it turns out not very but also not successful! Not for long anyway. :( I watched a video and had a go, all went well so refitted in the door and hey presto, the window goes up and down again, a wee bit slack but it'll be all right. Won't it?
Mmmm, no, a week later I drove it yesterday, put the window down and couldn't put it up again. ARSE!
New regulator ordered from ebay so will see how well that goes. o_O
Too right.
Bloomin stupid wife preferred the TD4 cause she's a rubbish driver and thinks diesels are easier to drive. I loved that car, easy and cheap to fix (mostly) and drove really well. She thought it was hard on fuel but it's a petrol so was probably doing around 25 - 30 on the short journeys she did.

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