Mrs Renger

New Member
This still continues on his old threads
I am so annoyed with your behaviour.

This aimed at the more stupid members of your Website

Take this as a serious complaint on behalf the sensible members aimed at and your irresponsible, stupid and tactless behaviour to my husband and other members.

Those that were kind enough to give sensible answers I thank you on his behalf and this is not directed towards you.

He joined this forum to occupy his mind while our chronically sick son rests or sleeps. (He can be in his room during this time)

And no I don’t expect you should or even want to know


My husband needs a few moments break from the 24 hr care and to chat to people with similar interests and exchange knowledge from any members who would like to contribute. (Apart from hospital visits he rarely speaks to another adult apart from other members of the household).

We are unable to do the normal things most of you can i.e. go to the pictures, the pub or out for a meal, greenlaning etc. we have to base any interests at home.

Even after his post explaining he was upset by your attitude, only one person had the decency or compassion to say they understood. On the contrary you have continued to make stupid and insensitive remarks without actually reading why felt the need to closed his threads.

He is unable to take any more pressure

Have you any idea the pressure within the whole family and in particular of the main carer of a child slowly dying, having to care for them day and night?

Giving up his business to provide care for his beloved son.

You seem to throw criticism and aggression needlessly at any one you fancy in complete ignorance of others.

You have no excuse just bad manners.

You have no idea of age sex or medical condition. Or the fact that the person you are rampaging may be worried sick about the expense of repairs to their cars, in particular the young who may only be able to afford the cheaper cars and are asking for advice.

It were a member of your family would you act in the same manner?

Do you act in the same manner face to face or is it just when you can hide behind the inter net feeling safe and smug?

You ramble on about "Weve done this topic time and time before" and everyone should know.

I'm a nurse and don't tell a patient Ive told people about your complaint and you should have known you would get this or that complaint I answer them, politly and try to make them better

My husband has been so upset about your behaviour to him and other members including new members that you have behaved to in the same manner he has had to me medicated.

I know have to two very sick people to look after you a bunch of idiots.

Shame on you

Before you blame him.

By saying it’s a well known fact that Freelanders are rubbish and should be have done his home work before hand just burnt it. “Very funny and you know who you are”

I was the one that bought the car NOT HIM.


Because, I wanted another Land Rover. Something just for me

The right style, a 3 door open top in the summer the correct colour Red, the same as our old classic and I loved the way it drove.

So I took him along to test drive it with me.

It drove well and the body and interior were excellent. Very low mileage and fully serviced by main dealers. All documents, 5 brand new tyres etc
HC test, in January what ever that is. (Clear)

A price I could and still have money over to by the extra bits for him to sort it out as he usually does for me.

I went for a long test drive and found the car to perform beautifully.

My husband as always when I want something merely commented it may take him some time to bring the car up to specification. As he would need to seek advice on the modifications from the members Landyzone to prevent over heating and improve cooling etc.

They will know he said and help just as they did when he had EAS problems
With the P38 some years before as they are Landylovers.

After all he needs something take his mind off our problems

After spending hours cleaning and fitting a CD as it did not have one and re-spraying the speaker grilles and fitting new foam pads as they looked grubby.

Re-Spraying wheel nuts and the bolts that hold the plastic spacers where the roof rails fit near the rear door.
Cleaning the hard top.

Fitting a few faulty bits such as clock and the two bonnet rubbers.

The car looked like new inside and out.

Well worth all the hours he had put in to make it like new for me and I was delighted.

The first time in ages he was able to calm down and put his mind and heart in.

Then he looked for help on your site

Oh how wrong he was about getting sensible and informative help.

I am so annoyed at you

Why oh why are there such a bunch of armchair critics who offer stupid advice and criticism with aggression on the Freelander Forum if they don’t like them or own them.

What sort of Land Rover lovers are you.

Who do you think you are to criticise what sort of car other people have, paid for and wish to drive?

If you are a Land Rover owner you will be well aware that whatever model you have it will give you excellent service if well maintained and use quality replacement parts or it will kick you in the teeth and cost a fortune to repair.

Do the job properly as my husband does and get a qualified Land Rover mechanic to do the bits you can’t.

Swot up the on the repairs and service modifications before you start any work. As he does.

If you can’t afford to repair them properly, buy something that suits you and your pocket don’t complain about.

We have had several Range Rovers over the years and all have given excellent service even the P38 that is another model that gets grief from your more insecure members. We still have it from 96

Just keep your stupid comments to yourself or put them in Anything Go’s where you can do and say what you like without offending members that want to have a sensible discussion.

For goodness sake grow up and stop being stupid

All this may happen to you one day

Incidentally your bad language , aggression and pictures can be seen by children as your site is open to public viewing.

You may want to lock it for members only

It does not matter is it never works if they are really that bad
So long at it gives him a give him a distraction from our problems when I am home and take over looking after our son.

I know he likes to work on our Land Rovers hes has had togive up any other hobbies outside our home

Are you really that stupid and selfish that you can't understand ?

For goodness sake give him a break, it may happen to you one day then you will understand.

He was after all only trying to please me

And for those that think I had the time or inclination to trall through all the documentation you may have on this site try working all and then come home to what I have too

I just bought the car I wanted is that good enough for you ?
You wont even have to look at it
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I understand and we are are a compassionate bunch generally, but your going about it the wrong way.

It can be a living nightmare watching a loved one dying- I have experienced months of watching someone I cared deeply about terminally ill and slipping away.

I have tried to explain in a reasoned manner how to repair the car, now maybe a step back and a more positive thread from your husband may get a better response.

Venting your dislike at banter will not change the forum.

try something like

"Our son is suffering xyz and my wife bought me a project. I'm aware of the issues with the k series and will follow your advice"
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Have no idea what this rant is all about or if its justified but can say without a shadow of a doubt that the way you have tried to address it Mrs R is all wrong.

If your husbands mental health is so fragile that he becomes ill when subjected to banter, abuse or **** taking then there are a number of more sedate Landrover sites that could offer advice that perhaps wouldnt stress him so much.

I do have empathy for both of your situations but you can not blame his reaction on other people. We are all responsible for our own emotions- other people can't make us unwell - we chose to allow ourselves not to tolerate the distress and then blame it on others.
Have no idea what this rant is all about or if its justified but can say without a shadow of a doubt that the way you have tried to address it Mrs R is all wrong.

If your husbands mental health is so fragile that he becomes ill when subjected to banter, abuse or **** taking then there are a number of more sedate Landrover sites that could offer advice that perhaps wouldnt stress him so much.

I do have empathy for both of your situations but you can not blame his reaction on other people. We are all responsible for our own emotions- other people can't make us unwell - we chose to allow ourselves not to tolerate the distress and then blame it on others.

I'll not argue with the Professional:D
Yer need ta read the link "how the forum works" in me sig below.

Also, next Monday is a bank holiday. Us Freelander owners are free of abuse on bank holidays.
Yer need ta read the link "how the forum works" in me sig below.

Also, next Monday is a bank holiday. Us Freelander owners are free of abuse on bank holidays.

:hysterically_laughi hippo lives for bank holidays :D:D
can someone please gimme a link so i can see what all the fuss is about.. this woman is kinda mardy... :doh: :)
Wow - have just read the thread that supposedly started all this - that has to be one of the least aggressive and rude thing fanatic has ever written in a post- at best it was a smidgen sarcastic

I would reiterate again that it appears that Mr R's tolerance for stress is the issue here as a result of his home situation. And whilst that is completely understandable - you cant go around blaming your inability to tolerate it on others - when i get wound up by some of the posts on here I spend time reflecting if I am just being a tad over sensitive or if they are genuinely at fault.

In this case I would say that for obvious reasons your emotional thermostat is a little too sensitive for a robust site like this
Wow - have just read the thread that supposedly started all this - that has to be one of the least aggressive and rude thing fanatic has ever written in a post- at best it was a smidgen sarcastic

I would reiterate again that it appears that Mr R's tolerance for stress is the issue here as a result of his home situation. And whilst that is completely understandable - you cant go around blaming your inability to tolerate it on others - when i get wound up by some of the posts on here I spend time reflecting if I am just being a tad over sensitive or if they are genuinely at fault.

In this case I would say that for obvious reasons your emotional thermostat is a little too sensitive for a robust site like this
Couldn't have said it better mesel';)
One thing that get's me though.. how long has Mr R been a member???
Why don't we all just blame Fanatic cos every thread that goes pete tong on here is his fault anyway.:D:D:D
Some of you are still not geting the point are you?

You can see by the above comments why you cause my sort of reaction

Its my fault we bought the car not his, which is fine so why such hostility?


Some of you are acting like spoilt children

NO compassion just your self centered point of view is the correct one

I know you helped fanatic and I thank you, so did The Mad Hat Man and others.

But as you can see 6 stupid insnsitive and inane comments again.....

There is no correct way to say or ask anything on here as ther is always someone with a stupid comment as my husband has found.

Years ago he would get sensible answers but look at the comments above.

I don't want to burden any one with our problems but a civil answer to a sensible question is all that is needed and thats what he first asked.

Some of you can hand out agression and stupid comments but as soon as you get a response your not adult enough to accept it.

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