
Hello all,

Now this is for mature people only 😳

When in a normal over landing convoy, is a body wash the only means of self hygiene or is it the norm for the planers to factor in "shower stops". I am asking mainly for the missis but for practical ideas as well.


Depends where you go, but, most call in at villages which will have some basic facilities for toilet, washing, etc.
get her some feminine wipes, normal refreshin wipes, hand sanitizer, and a small travel towel.....she should be ok with them :D
Why not pack a solar shower as a "fall back" or "just in case"? They aren't the biggest thing in the world and you should be able to get two showers out of a full one.
solar showers are pants. They just dont warm up unless you leave it standing all day. No good when your moving lots and when you do stop you are usually near some good facilities!

Streams and rivers are good in warmer climates. If your still in Europe then service stations are a good call.

Outside of that in temperate climates a simple shower head rigged to a water pump or jerry can on the roof gravity fed. Heat water and mix with cold to get the right temp. water can be heated in a metal jerry can near a fire, in pans, kelly kettle, stoves etc. Its quite straightforward.

solar showers are pants. They just dont warm up unless you leave it standing all day. No good when your moving lots and when you do stop you are usually near some good facilities!

Streams and rivers are good in warmer climates. If your still in Europe then service stations are a good call.

Outside of that in temperate climates a simple shower head rigged to a water pump or jerry can on the roof gravity fed. Heat water and mix with cold to get the right temp. water can be heated in a metal jerry can near a fire, in pans, kelly kettle, stoves etc. Its quite straightforward.


Indeed, they do need the sunshine to warm them.

Surely just stick on your roof-rack, et voila... if its the black bag type I have seen stick it in a lidless, wolf style container to protect from dirt/forward projectiles.

We did see a chap on a camp/event who had a garden hose on his roof and literally at the end of the day showered under that with what was in the hose.

Have to admit I didnt see him showering but he had done it for years.

I sometimes think you have to lower your expectations, so if you are expecting a red hot power shower, yes you probably wont get that.
solar showers are pants. They just dont warm up unless you leave it standing all day.

Outside of that in temperate climates a simple shower head rigged to a water pump or jerry can on the roof gravity fed. Heat water and mix with cold to get the right temp. water can be heated in a metal jerry can near a fire, in pans, kelly kettle, stoves etc. Its quite straightforward.


If its cold, and you have access to fire to warm food, then heat the water to put in the solar shower! Anyone who goes on any form of expedition/camping trip with no way of creating fire/warming food/water is a complete tit.
I was thinking if you needed to make something more permanent and had an expedition going landy.
You could wrap some 10mm copper pipe around your exhaust and with a small pump ( the type found on cars cooling systems ie 12v) circulate into a suitable tank and whilst you drive your heating up your water.
That would be good. Have thought about that for a while.
Big Al.
If its really important to the other half you can buy a heat exchanger power shower that plumbs into the heater hose on a vehicle. In warmer climes eg australia just leave a black (ex MOD) plastic jerry can up on roof rack , for few hours , and screw on shower rose to small outlet , use large cap to regulate , be careful if its been up there a long while as you cant get under it . A toilet tent with a canvas bucket hung intop works quite well they have a rose on bottom HTSH
I have a 10kw gas boiler fitted, 12.5 litre 35 psi pump can pump and filter from rivers or lakes etc
Endless HOT shower, fantastic!
Yep Lab72 has the right idea - took it many times used once - in the end just boiled a kettle but not too hot of course works perfectly - when on expedition keep choirs to a minimum.
Ok db I get it - after a while - me I'm a bit slow on the uptake must be getting a bit older day by day. But seriously take as little as possible and do as little as possible when in camp. And don't worry about getting a bath every day or even every few days and keep the same clothes on for a while.

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