Dose any of you ever fitted a hho kit to a land rover 90 2.5td?
And what do you suggest? Any one has results of improving the mileage?

My snorkel isn't water tight so I'll let you know next time I go laning. I have heard that filling your engine with water can cause summit called 'hydraulic lock'. I hear that if you get 'hydraulic lock' it saves you **** loads in fuel costs as you have to walk everywhere until it's fixed.:p
Slob I will be eager to know what is your secret stuff for running it at pennies I drive 200 tdi etc and was about to go bio but i will wait and what u come up with
Slob I will be eager to know what is your secret stuff for running it at pennies I drive 200 tdi etc and was about to go bio but i will wait and what u come up with

You might have to wait a little while.....

Lord Slob is as good as dead on this site. Allegedly.:behindsofa:
Dont get slob back!
And dont get hho get a cyclone much better.Also fuel line magnets are great and dead cheap.Worth every penny.Saves tons of fuel.
Sooo, how long before they start paying you to drive?

I mean, hho system, cyclone, magnets, snake oil, additives, helium in the tyres, and a steady right foot, you'd soon have a vehicle that did 4000 miles to the gallon.

Think I'll patent this as a whole system ... tomorrow ...
Dont be silly pay you to drive!

However with the cyclone and magnets you actually produce dezul!So you could sell it to friends and family to earn a little extra money....
BOLLOX !!! magnets and them ****ty cyclones give you better MPG ? yea right. i just had the local farmer let his bull sh*t in my fuel tank and im now getting 100 MPG ! my landy runs on bull sh*t and so do these crap ideas about magnets and cyclones and free fuel from water. :smash: :brick:
i ripped the magnets of me hifi and stuck them on the fuel pump and lines on me discovery tonight. i filled me fuel tank and ive been for a 250 mile drive, went back to the filling station and to my supprise i only used £1.73 of diesel ! bugger me i take back what i said about the magnets im gonna rip every magnet out of my home and stick em all over the discovery in the hope i will get that £1.73 down to a few pence every 250 miles. BUZZING
I run mine on urine... best thing i ever did. when im running low shove a barrel outside a pub on friday night and boom free fuel .......

I love taking **** ...... FREE FUEL

P.s. there was a touch of sarcasam in that sentence :D:D
Its been scientifically proven that the magnets electrostatically charge the ions in the carbon molecules which makes the fuel far more efficient. I have a spare set if you would like to buy them - can let u have them cheap £50 for cash
i prefer Hydrogen myself - very good fuel - burns well - but a bit dangerous - i find it works best mixed with a bit of carbon and kept in liquid form.

Luckily I find there is a ready supply kept it in containers all over the country. Unfortunately I find I have to pay peeps for this privilege.

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