Paul 101

New Member
After air suspension and rear brake calipers last month, there's nothing planned for this month (so far).
Just got to get the bits for the oil change/service at the end of May.

Nothing may well be planned, but don't rule out your Disco's thoughts on the matter... it might have other ideas :) :p
:eek: Thats what I said after new Balljoints, wheel bearings, HG and brakes.:eek:

Just refill the aircon.:doh:

Yes, i`ll get the spares tomorrow. Good thing is that the Tubes are made of aluminium, the don`t rust, the only corrode!
Just refill the aircon.:doh:

Yes, i`ll get the spares tomorrow. Good thing is that the Tubes are made of aluminium, the don`t rust, the only corrode!

Already done the aircon pipe, corroded where it touches steel, but had to replace the fan also, has it'd seized.

Still no work planned.:D (so far)

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