
New Member
Long time landrover lover first time owner

Just got my hands on a discovery 300 tdi, been around the block to say the least but all in all not a bad old beast. done just over 200k

has a small issue " i hope" of when on tickover it seems to be hunting between 750 rpm and just over 1k doesnt do it all the time so im a bit confused as to what it could be, and the aircon bearing seems a bit nioisy, im happy to change the pump if its not going to cause more harm than good running with no air con gas while i get it to a place to recharge it.

any help at all would be very welcome.

please feel free to move the post if its in the wrong place

cheers all

I don't think anyone will answer you,because you need to go to the introduction section.Then one of the experts will.But Welcome anyway.
Has it had a good service lately
check to see if there is a water trap filter as well as a fuel filter and has it been changed

how long since the timing belt has been done
any other power related symptoms

just for starters
then you will be looking at stuff on you pump
Being a lazy Merkin, I'm quite the authority on this. If you are hunting, don't let the car idle while your sitting. It scares the game.
but on a serious note the revs are still up and down until you engage drive, soon as you come off the pedal it starts again

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