
Active Member
Hi, a friend of mine has a S3 land rover with a HUGE hydraulic winch fitted.
he wants to remove it.
has anyone ever done this? i have bought an over drive removal kit but are there any guide lines for its removal?
just unbolt and remove. fluid will need to be drained into a container first. But apart from that it's just a case of unbolting everything and fitting the blanking plate to the transfer box.
the winch; one of the people i buy parts from told me they sold 2 in the spring summer, for £600 apiece.
so i suppose my friend will sell it or swap for an overdrive.
all of the winch , pump,pipes,levers etc is going. There is a big tank under the OSF wing as well.
let me know if you are interested..
hi, we know they sell from dealers at about £600. what would you like to offer?
we have one offer so far.

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