Hub removal from Discovery 3, that was seriously tight, the 12 pound mallet was not doing it, just hard enough to get a swing, so large bolt as jack, and once the gap started, penetrating oil down front, and more important pushed shaft in and sprayed from back, then two opposing wedges, result. :)


good to see u got it apart , looks like ur having too much fun there , lol

great pics :)
Suppose its only right that I should mention all is good with the hub, really just need to take a note of the mileage and see how much I get out of it, done the usual stuff while it was apart, disc cover cleaned, primed and painted, lip on disc ground off ready for new pads in a few months time, and such like, good it's all finished, gives me space to do the watts linkage on the D2, when I get some time, used my 5' torque wrench set at 350 N/M which did feel right, and remembered to ding the lock nut, cheers for info :)

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